System.sccfg 114 KB

  1. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  2. <root system="Virgo">
  3. <configs name="System" nameView="System">
  4. <config default="true" name="IsSimulatorMode" nameView="Simulator Mode" description="仿真模式" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  5. <config default="false" name="IsATMMode" nameView="ATM Mode" description="大气压传送测试模式" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  6. <config default="false" name="IsCycleMode" nameView="Cycle Mode" description="循环跑片模式" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  7. <config default="3" name="CycleCount" nameView="Cycle Count" description="循环次数" max="999999" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  8. <config default="true" name="PMAIsInstalled" nameView="PMA Is Installed" description="PMA已安装" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  9. <config default="false" name="PMBIsInstalled" nameView="PMB Is Installed" description="PMB已安装" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  10. <config default="5" name="ATMCyclePMDelayTime" nameView="ATM Cycle PM Delay Time" description="ATM循环测试取片延时时间" max="9999" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" visible="false"/>
  11. <config default="25" name="MaxTemperatureToleranceTransferWafer" nameView="Max Temperature Tolerance Transfer Wafer" description="传片最大温度差" max="100" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Double" />
  12. <config default="1" name="MaxTemperatureToleranceToTarget" nameView="Max Temperature Tolerance To Target" description="工艺最大温度差" max="100" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Double" />
  13. <config default="true" name="SmallGuidePinEnable" nameView="SmallGuidePinEnable" description="是否支持控制SmallGuidePin(否:使用限位环)" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false" />
  14. <config default="true" name="MediumGuidePinEnable" nameView="MediumGuidePinEnable" description="是否支持控制MediumGuidePin(否:使用限位环)" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false" />
  15. <config default="false" name="EnableTransferFromWS3Slot1" nameView="EnableTransferFromWS3Slot1" description="是否支持从3寸的料盒中取放第一片wafer" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  16. <config default="3" name="SmallWafer" nameView="Small Wafer" description="小晶圆尺寸" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" visible="false" type="Integer" />
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  18. <config default="6" name="BigWafer" nameView="Big Wafer" description="大晶圆尺寸" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" visible="false" type="Integer" />
  19. <!--<config default="30" name="DefaultCoolingTime" nameView="Default Cooling Time" description="晶圆默认冷却时间" max="300" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />-->
  20. <config default="true" name="DisplayPopDialogWhenJobComplete" nameView="Pop Dialog When Job Complete" description="是否弹出Job结束对话框" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  21. <config default="false" name="RecipeSplit" nameView="RecipeSplit" description="是否拆分process与Clean recipe" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  22. <config default="2" name="CoolingTimeLimit" nameView="CoolingTimeLimit" description="" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" visible="false" type="Integer" />
  23. <config default="true" name="EnableDataClean" nameView="启用数据库自动删除n天前记录" description="启用数据库自动删除n天前记录" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  24. <config default="90" name="DataKeepDays" nameView="数据库数据保留天数" description="数据库数据保留天数" max="365" min="10" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  25. <config default="90" name="LogsSaveDays" nameView="Log文件保留天数" description="Log文件保留天数" max="365" min="10" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  26. <config default="false" name="IsEnableCompressLogFileFunc" nameView="启用压缩log文件功能" description="启用压缩log文件功能" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  27. <config default="200" name="SingleLogFileMaxSize" nameView="单个log文件最大字节数(MB),大于将被压缩" description="单个log文件最大字节数(MB),大于将被压缩" max="100" min="5" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  28. <config default="" name="LPSlot1UnSupportedWaferSize" nameView="LP slot 1 is not supported wafer size" description="LP slot 1 is not supported wafer size" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  29. <!--FA-->
  30. <configs name="FA" nameView="FA" visible="false">
  31. <config default="Passive" name="ConnectionMode" nameView="Connection Mode" description="Passive Active" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  32. <config default="" name="LocalIpAddress" nameView="Local Ip Address" description=" " max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  33. <config default="5000" name="LocalPortNumber" nameView="Local Port Number" description="LocalPortNumber" max="99999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  34. <config default="" name="RemoteIpAddress" nameView="Remote Ip Address" description=" " max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  35. <config default="5001" name="RemotePortNumber" nameView="Remote Port Number" description=" " max="99999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  36. <config default="45" name="T3Timeout" nameView="T3 Timeout" description=" " max="999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  37. <config default="10" name="T5Timeout" nameView="T5 Timeout" description=" " max="999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  38. <config default="5" name="T6Timeout" nameView="T6 Timeout" description=" " max="999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  39. <config default="10" name="T7Timeout" nameView="T7 Timeout" description=" " max="999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  40. <config default="5" name="T8Timeout" nameView="T8 Timeout" description=" " max="999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  41. <config default="false" name="EnableSpooling" nameView="Enable Spooling" description="EnableSpooling" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  42. <config default="30" name="LinkTestInterval" nameView="Link Test Interval" description="LinkTestInterval" max="999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  43. <config default="0" name="DeviceId" nameView="Device Id" description="DeviceId" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  44. <config default="true" name="DefaultToOnline" nameView="Change to online when FA connected" description="Change to online when FA connected" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  45. <config default="true" name="DefaultToRemote" nameView="Change to remote when FA connected" description="Change to remote when FA connected" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  46. </configs>
  47. <configs name="SetUp" nameView="Set Up" visible="false">
  48. <config default="true" name="EPDInstalled" nameView="Is EPD installed" description="EPD是否安装" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  49. </configs>
  50. <configs name="EndPoint" nameView="EndPoint" visible="false">
  51. <config default="ExposureTime=222;WaveLengthA=2;BinningA=3;WaveLengthB=4;BinningB=6;WaveLengthC=5;BinningC=8;WaveLengthD=7;BinningD=9;Fd=1;PrefilterTime=2;PostfilterTime=3;AlgorithmType=Valley;Criteria=4;DelayTime=5;ValidationTime=6;ValidationValue=7;TimeWindow=8;MinimalTime=9;PostponeTime=10;Control=True;Normalization=True;EnablePostponePercent=True;EnableCriterialPercent=True;EnableEventTrigger=True;IsFaultIfNoTrigger=True;" name="EndPointDefaultValue" nameView="EndPoint Default Value" description="EndPoint Default Value" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" visible="false" />
  52. </configs>
  53. <configs name="FDC" nameView="FDC">
  54. <config default="Fdc" name="DataGroupName" nameView="FDC Data group" description="FDC data group, defined in DataGroup.xml" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" visible="false" unit="" type="String" />
  55. <config default="1000" name="DelayTime" nameView="FDC Sample Delay Time" description="Step Delay time before collection FDC data" max="10000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="ms" type="Integer" />
  56. <config default="100" name="SampleInterval" nameView="FDC Sample Interval" description="interval time collection FDC sample data" max="10000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="ms" type="Integer" />
  57. </configs>
  58. <configs name="WaferThickness" nameView="WaferThickness" visible="false">
  59. <config default="false" name="EnableThickness" nameView="Is active thickness functions" description="是否有厚片薄片功能" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  60. <config default="Thin" name="LP1WaferThicknessType" nameView="LP1 wafer thickness type" description="Thin;Thick" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="0" type="String" />
  61. <config default="Thick" name="LP2WaferThicknessType" nameView="LP2 wafer thickness type" description="Thin;Thick" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="0" type="String" />
  62. </configs>
  63. <configs name="Job" nameView="Job" >
  64. <config default="10" name="BuzzerTimeWhenJobDone" nameView="Buzzer Time When Job Done" description="buzzer time after job done, -1=never stop, 0=silent,xxx=buzzer time" max="86400" min="-1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  65. </configs>
  66. </configs>
  67. <!--EFEM-->
  68. <configs name="EFEM" nameView="EFEM" >
  69. <config default="30" name="HomeTimeout" nameView="Home Timeout" description="EFEM初始化超时" max="300" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  70. <config default="60" name="MotionTimeout" nameView="Motion Timeout" description="motion time out" max="600" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  71. <config default="100" name="AlignTimeout" nameView="Align Timeout" description="Align time out" max="600" min="10" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  72. <config default="" name="IPAddress" nameView="IP Address" description="EFEM IP、端口设置;default" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  73. <config default="true" name="CheckSideDoorOnEAPMap" nameView="CheckSideDoorOnEAPMap" description="在自动跑货的时候检查侧门是否关闭" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  74. <config default="true" name="CheckCassetteDoorOnEAPMap" nameView="CheckCassetteDoorOnEAPMap" description="在自动跑货的时候检查EFEM正门是否关闭" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  75. <config default="true" name="EnableGrip" nameView="Is active grip functions" description="机械手是否真空吸附" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  76. <config default="1" name="EfemType" nameView="EFEM Type" description="EFEM类型,1=Future广川 2=Jet自制" max="300" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" visible="false"/>
  77. <config default="true" name="IsOpenCST" nameView="Is openCST" description="机械手是否为OpenCST类型" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  78. <config default="false" name="AutoUnlockAfterUnload" nameView="auto unlock after unload" description="是否自动解锁" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  79. <config default="false" name="IgnoreWaterFlowError" nameView="Ignore water flow alarm" description="是否忽略冷却水报警" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  80. <config default="false" name="IgnoreIonizerError" nameView="Ignore Ionizer alarm" description="是否忽略离子发生器报警" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" visible="false"/>
  81. <config default="1" name="DelayTimeBeforeLiftDown" nameView="Delay Time before lift down" description="冷却前,lift pin停留多久再落下" max="600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  82. <configs name="EfemRobot" nameView="EfemRobot" >
  83. <config default="true" name="UpperBladeEnable" nameView="UpperBladeEnable" description="Upper Blade Enable" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  84. <config default="true" name="LowerBladeEnable" nameView="LowerBladeEnable" description="Lower Blade Enable" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  85. </configs>
  86. <configs name="LoadPort" nameView="LoadPort" >
  87. <config default="30" name="MotionTimeout" nameView="Motion Timeout" description="Motion Timeout" max="60" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  88. <config default="30" name="HomeTimeout" nameView="Home Timeout" description="LoadPort初始化超时时间" max="60" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  89. </configs>
  90. </configs>
  91. <!--Router-->
  92. <configs name="Scheduler" nameView="Scheduler" >
  93. <config default="true" name="GroupWaferBySequence" nameView="Group Wafer By Sequence" description="GroupWaferBySequence" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  94. <config default="true" name="IsRunInParallelMode" nameView="Is Run In Parallel Mode" description="并行模式1对1,串行模式按顺序" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  95. </configs>
  96. <!--PMA-->
  97. <configs name="PMA" nameView="PMA" >
  98. <config default="3,4,6,8" name="SupportedWaferSize" nameView="腔体支持的Wafer尺寸" description=" " max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" visible="false"/>
  99. <config default="3,4,6,8" name="SupportedGuidePinSize" nameView="腔体Guide Pin尺寸" description=" " max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" visible="false"/>
  100. <config default="120" name="PrepareTransferTimeout" nameView="Prepare Transfer Timeout" description="prepare transfer time out" max="99999" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  101. <config default="1" name="OpenGasValveTimeout" nameView="Open Gas Valve Timeout" description="开阀超时" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  102. <config default="1" name="TimeLimitOfCloseGasValve" nameView="Time Limit Of Close Gas Valve" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  103. <config default="1" name="OpenCloseSlitValveTimeout" nameView="Open Close Slit Valve Timeout" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  104. <config default="180" name="VentTime" nameView="Vent Time" description="" max="600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  105. <config default="100" name="GasFlowPressureAlarmRange" nameView="Process Pressure Alarm Range" description="" max="760000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mtorr" type="Double" />
  106. <config default="60" name="GasFlowPressureAlarmTime" nameView="Process Pressure Alarm Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Double" />
  107. <config default="100" name="GasFlowPressureWarningRange" nameView="Process Pressure Warning Range" description="" max="760000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mtorr" type="Double" />
  108. <config default="60" name="GasFlowPressureWarningTime" nameView="Process Pressure Warning Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Double" />
  109. <config default="true" name="EnableThrottleValve" nameView="Enable Throttle Valve" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  110. <config default="150" name="ChamberHeaterSetPointLimit" nameView="Chamber Heater Set Point Limit" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  111. <config default="140" name="ForeLineHeaterSetPointLimit" nameView="ForeLine Heater Set Point Limit" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  112. <config default="120" name="CheckSubstrateTempTimeout" nameView="Check Substrate Temp Timeout" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  113. <config default="90" name="CheckATMTimeout" nameView="Check ATM Timeout" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  114. <config default="1" name="VentTimeDelay" nameView="Vent Time Delay" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  115. <config default="780000" name="ChamberBasePressureThreshold" nameView="Chamber Base Pressure Threshold" description="" max="1000000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mtorr" type="Double" />
  116. <config default="120" name="ChamberBaseTemperatureThreshold" nameView="Chamber Base Temperature Threshold" description="" max="1000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="°C" type="Double" />
  117. <config default="10" name="ProcessPressureOffset" nameView="Process Pressure Offset" description="" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mtorr" type="Double" />
  118. <config default="7500" name="ChamberVolume" nameView="Chamber Volume" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mL" visible="false" type="Double" />
  119. <config default="25" name="GasTemperature" nameView="Gas Temperature" max="1000" min="-1000" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" visible="false" type="Double" />
  120. <config default="9" name="TargetPressureInMFCVerification" nameView="MFC verification中的目标压力" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="Torr" visible="false" type="Double" />
  121. <config default="180" name="GasFlowTimeInMFCVerification" nameView="MFC verification中的目标时间" max="1000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" visible="false" type="Double" />
  122. <config default="0" name="PinDownDelayTimePick" nameView="Pick Delay Time before pin down" description="" max="120" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  123. <config default="0" name="PinDownDelayTimePlace" nameView="Place Delay Time before pin down" description="" max="120" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  124. <config default="Strip" name="ChamberLabel" nameView="Chamber Label" description="Chamber名称" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  125. <config default="30" name="MaxDeviationInMFCVerification" nameView="MFC verification允许的最大偏差值(%)" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="%" visible="false" type="Double" />
  126. <config default="150" name="WallHeaterSetPointLimit" nameView="Wall Heater Set Point Limit" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  127. <config default="false" name="EnableWallHeater" nameView="Enable Chamber Wall Heater" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  128. <config default="false" name="EnableGridHeater" nameView="Enable Chamber Grid Heater" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  129. <config default="5" name="RecipeToleranceIgnoreTime" nameView="Ignore Time Before Check Recipe Step Tolerance" description="" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  130. <configs name="MFCVerification" nameView="MFC Verification" >
  131. <config default="7500" name="ChamberVolume" nameView="Chamber Volume" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mL" visible="false" type="Double" />
  132. <config default="25" name="GasTemperature" nameView="Gas Temperature" max="1000" min="-1000" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" visible="false" type="Double" />
  133. <config default="9" name="TargetPressure" nameView="结束条件:腔体压力达到的最大值" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="Torr" visible="true" type="Double" />
  134. <config default="180" name="GasFlowTime" nameView="结束条件:流气多长时间" max="1000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" visible="true" type="Double" />
  135. <config default="30" name="MaxDeviation" nameView="结果检查:最大偏差,超过该值报警" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="%" visible="true" type="Double" />
  136. <config default="20" name="PressureStableTolerance" nameView="稳定条件:压力1秒内的最大变化范围" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mTorr" visible="true" type="Double" />
  137. <config default="20" name="FlowStableTolerance" nameView="稳定条件:流量设定值和反馈值允许的最大偏差" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="%" visible="true" type="Double" />
  138. <config default="5" name="CheckStableTimeout" nameView="稳定条件:在多长时间内处于稳定状态" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="%" visible="false" type="Double" />
  139. </configs>
  140. <configs name="Chiller" nameView="Chiller" >
  141. <config default="true" name="EnableChiller" nameView="Enable Chiller" description="enable chiller or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  142. <!--<config default="false" name="ChillerSameWithPMB" nameView="Chiller Same With PMB" description="enable chiller same with PMB or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />-->
  143. <config default="1" name="MFG" nameView="MFG" description="厂商, 1:SMC;" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  144. <config default="1" name="CommunicationType" nameView="Communication Type" description="0:Analogue; 1:RS232; 2:Ethernet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  145. <config default="COM12" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of pump" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  146. <config default="10" name="ChillerTemperatureOffset" nameView="Chiller Temperature Offset" description="" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  147. <config default="300" name="SetPointLimitMax" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Max" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  148. <config default="0" name="SetPointLimitMin" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Min" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  149. <config default="true" name="EnableToleranceAlarm" nameView="Enable Tolerance Alarm" description="Enable Tolerance Alarm" max="1" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  150. <config default="20" name="ToleranceAlarmRange" nameView="Tolerance Alarm Range" description="Tolerance Alarm Range" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Integer" />
  151. <config default="60" name="ToleranceAlarmTime" nameView="Tolerance Alarm Time" description="Tolerance Alarm Time" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  152. </configs>
  153. <configs name="GridChiller" nameView="Grid Chiller" >
  154. <config default="true" name="EnableChiller" nameView="Enable Chiller" description="enable chiller or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  155. <!--<config default="false" name="ChillerSameWithPMB" nameView="Chiller Same With PMB" description="enable chiller same with PMB or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />-->
  156. <config default="1" name="MFG" nameView="MFG" description="厂商, 1:SMC;" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  157. <config default="1" name="CommunicationType" nameView="Communication Type" description="0:Analogue; 1:RS232; 2:Ethernet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  158. <config default="COM12" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of pump" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  159. <config default="10" name="ChillerTemperatureOffset" nameView="Chiller Temperature Offset" description="" max="10" min="-10" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  160. <config default="300" name="SetPointLimitMax" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Max" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  161. <config default="0" name="SetPointLimitMin" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Min" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  162. </configs>
  163. <configs name="DryPump" nameView="Dry Pump" >
  164. <config default="1" name="MFG" nameView="MFG" description="厂商, 1:Sky; 2:Edwards; 3:Kashiyama" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  165. <config default="1" name="CommunicationType" nameView="Communication Type" description="0:Analogue; 1:RS232; 2:Ethernet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  166. <config default="COM13" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of pump" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  168. <config default="20" name="ChamberForelinePressureTimeout" nameView="Chamber Foreline Pressure Timeout" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  169. </configs>
  170. <configs name="Rf" nameView="Source RF" >
  171. <config default="1" name="MFG" nameView="MFG" description="厂商, 1:AdTec; 2:Comet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  172. <config default="1" name="CommunicationType" nameView="Communication Type" description="0:Analogue; 1:RS232; 2:Ethernet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  173. <config default="COM14" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of RFG" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  174. <config default="" name="IPAddress" nameView="IP Address" description="EFEM IP,default" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  176. <config default="10" name="PowerAlarmTime" nameView="Power Alarm Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  178. <config default="10" name="PowerWarningTime" nameView="Power Warning Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  182. <config default="1" name="Coefficient" nameView="Coefficient" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
  183. <config default="false" name="EnablePulsingFunction" nameView="Enable Pulsing Function" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  184. <config default="false" name="EnableReflectPower" nameView="Enable Reflect Power" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
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  194. <config default="2000" name="RFCalibratedMaxPower" nameView="RF Calibrated Max Power" description="" max="9999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  198. </configs>
  199. <configs name="match" nameView="Source Match" >
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  207. <!--<config default="10" name="MatchPositionC1" nameView="CycleCount" description="" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
  208. <config default="10" name="MatchPositionC2" nameView="CycleCount" description="" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />-->
  209. </configs>
  210. <configs name="BiasRf" nameView="Bias RF" >
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  217. <config default="10" name="PowerAlarmTime" nameView="Power Alarm Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  219. <config default="10" name="PowerWarningTime" nameView="Power Warning Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  221. <config default="1" name="ReflectPowerAlarmTime" nameView="Reflect Power Alarm Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  229. <config default="3000" name="RfPowerAlarmTime" nameView="RF Power Alarm Time" description="" max="10000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
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  231. <config default="" name="SensorSerialNumber" nameView="SensorHead序列号" max="" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  234. <config default="600" name="RFCalibratedMaxPower" nameView="RF Calibrated Max Power" description="" max="9999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  238. </configs>
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  247. </configs>
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  249. <config default="true" name="Enable" nameView="Enable" description="Enable gas 1 or not" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
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  260. </configs>
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  273. </configs>
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  285. <config default="10" name="MfcWarningTime" nameView="MFC Warning Time" description="" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  286. </configs>
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  294. <config default="true" name="MfcEnableAlarm" nameView="MFC Enable Alarm" description="Mfc Enable Alarm" max="1" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  295. <config default="10" name="MfcAlarmRange" nameView="MFC Alarm Range" description="Mfc Alarm Range" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="sccm" type="Integer" />
  296. <config default="10" name="MfcAlarmTime" nameView="MFC Alarm Time" description="Mfc Alarm Time" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
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  298. <config default="10" name="MfcWarningTime" nameView="MFC Warning Time" description="" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  299. </configs>
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  302. <config default="Gas5" name="GasName" nameView="Gas Name" description="Name of NO.5 gas stick" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  306. <config default="1" name="FlowRegulationFactor" nameView="Flow Regulation Factor" description="flow regulation factor" max="10" min="0" tag="" unit="sccm" type="Integer" />
  307. <config default="true" name="MfcEnableAlarm" nameView="MFC Enable Alarm" description="Mfc Enable Alarm" max="1" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
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  312. </configs>
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  319. <config default="5" name="PumpValveDelay" nameView="Pump Valve Delay" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  320. </configs>
  321. <configs name="Purge" nameView="Purge" >
  322. <config default="3" name="PurgeCycleCount" nameView="Purge Cycle Count" description="" max="30" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="times" type="Double" />
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  329. </configs>
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  343. <config name="OffsetValue_3" nameView="Offset Value 3" description="补偿值 3" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  345. <config name="OffsetValue_4" nameView="Offset Value 4" description="补偿值 4" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  347. <config name="OffsetValue_5" nameView="Offset Value 5" description="补偿值 5" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  349. <config name="OffsetValue_6" nameView="Offset Value 6" description="补偿值 6" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  351. <config name="OffsetValue_7" nameView="Offset Value 7" description="补偿值 7" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  355. <config name="OffsetValue_9" nameView="Offset Value 9" description="补偿值 9" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
  356. </configs>
  357. <configs name="WallHeater" nameView="Heater Wall" >
  358. <config default="false" name="HeaterEnableTolerance" nameView="Enable Heater Deviation Check" description="" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  359. <config default="200" name="HeaterAlarmRange" nameView="Heater deviation Alarm Range" description="" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Integer" />
  360. <config default="10" name="HeaterAlarmTime" nameView="Heater deviation Alarm Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
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  362. <config default="10" name="HeaterWarningTime" nameView="Heater deviation Warning Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
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  364. <config default="0" name="ControlTcFeedbackOffset" nameView="Control Tc Feedback Offset" description="" max="5" min="-5" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Double" />
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  370. <config name="OffsetValue_3" nameView="Offset Value 3" description="补偿值 3" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  372. <config name="OffsetValue_4" nameView="Offset Value 4" description="补偿值 4" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  374. <config name="OffsetValue_5" nameView="Offset Value 5" description="补偿值 5" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  376. <config name="OffsetValue_6" nameView="Offset Value 6" description="补偿值 6" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  378. <config name="OffsetValue_7" nameView="Offset Value 7" description="补偿值 7" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  380. <config name="OffsetValue_8" nameView="Offset Value 8" description="补偿值 8" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  382. <config name="OffsetValue_9" nameView="Offset Value 9" description="补偿值 9" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
  383. </configs>
  384. <configs name="ForelineHeater" nameView="Heater Foreline" >
  385. <config default="false" name="HeaterEnableTolerance" nameView="Enable Heater Deviation Check" description="" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  386. <config default="200" name="HeaterAlarmRange" nameView="Heater deviation Alarm Range" description="" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Integer" />
  387. <config default="10" name="HeaterAlarmTime" nameView="Heater deviation Alarm Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  388. <config default="100" name="HeaterWarningRange" nameView="Heater deviation Warning Range" description="" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Integer" />
  389. <config default="10" name="HeaterWarningTime" nameView="Heater deviation Warning Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
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  391. <config default="0" name="ControlTcFeedbackOffset" nameView="Control Tc Feedback Offset" description="" max="5" min="-5" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Double" />
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  410. </configs>
  411. <configs name="GridHeater" nameView="Heater Grid" >
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  416. <config default="10" name="HeaterWarningTime" nameView="Heater deviation Warning Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
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  422. <config name="OffsetValue_2" nameView="Offset Value 2" description="补偿值 2" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  424. <config name="OffsetValue_3" nameView="Offset Value 3" description="补偿值 3" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  430. <config name="OffsetValue_6" nameView="Offset Value 6" description="补偿值 6" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
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  436. <config name="OffsetValue_9" nameView="Offset Value 9" description="补偿值 9" unit="degree" type="Double" max="300" min="0" />
  437. </configs>
  438. <!--Clean-->
  439. <configs name="IdleClean" nameView="Idle Clean" visible="false">
  440. <config default="false" name="IsEnabled" nameView="Is Enabled" description="IsEnabled" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  441. <config default="" name="IdleCleanRecipe" nameView="Idle Clean Recipe" description="Purge recipe name" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  442. <config default="3000" name="IdleCleanTime" nameView="Idle Clean Time" description="Idle seconds after which run purge" max="99999" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  443. </configs>
  444. <configs name="JobClean" nameView="Job Clean" visible="false">
  445. <config default="false" name="IsEnabled" nameView="Is Enabled" description="IsEnabled" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  446. <config default="" name="PreJobCleanRecipe" nameView="PreJob Clean Recipe" description="pre job clean recipe name" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  447. <config default="" name="CompleteJobCleanRecipe" nameView="CompleteJob Clean Recipe" description="complete job clean recipe name" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  449. <config default="false" name="EnableCompleteJobClean" nameView="Enable Complete Job Clean" description="Enable Complete Job Clean" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  450. <config default="3000" name="IdleCleanTime" nameView="Idle Clean Time" description="Idle seconds after which run purge" max="864000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  451. </configs>
  452. <configs name="EPD" nameView="EPD Setting">
  453. <config default="true" name="IsEnabled" nameView="Is Enabled" description="IsEnabled" max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  454. <config default="0" name="ChannelNumber" nameView="EPD Channel Number" description="channel number" max="32" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  455. </configs>
  456. </configs>
  457. <!--PMB-->
  458. <configs name="PMB" nameView="PMB" visible="false">
  459. <config default="3,4,6,8" name="SupportedWaferSize" nameView="腔体支持的Wafer尺寸" description=" " max="0" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" visible="false"/>
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  461. <config default="120" name="PrepareTransferTimeout" nameView="Prepare Transfer Timeout" description="prepare transfer time out" max="99999" min="1" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
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  464. <config default="1" name="OpenCloseSlitValveTimeout" nameView="Open Close Slit Valve Timeout" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
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  467. <config default="60" name="GasFlowPressureAlarmTime" nameView="Process Pressure Alarm Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Double" />
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  469. <config default="60" name="GasFlowPressureWarningTime" nameView="Process Pressure Warning Time" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Double" />
  470. <config default="true" name="EnableThrottleValve" nameView="Enable Throttle Valve" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
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  472. <config default="140" name="ForeLineHeaterSetPointLimit" nameView="ForeLine Heater Set Point Limit" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  473. <config default="120" name="CheckSubstrateTempTimeout" nameView="Check Substrate Temp Timeout" description="" max="3600" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  474. <config default="90" name="CheckATMTimeout" nameView="Check ATM Timeout" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  475. <config default="1" name="VentTimeDelay" nameView="Vent Time Delay" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
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  477. <config default="120" name="ChamberBaseTemperatureThreshold" nameView="Chamber Base Temperature Threshold" description="" max="1000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="°C" type="Double" />
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  479. <config default="7500" name="ChamberVolume" nameView="Chamber Volume" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mL" visible="false" type="Double" />
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  484. <config default="0" name="PinDownDelayTimePlace" nameView="Place Delay Time before pin down" description="" max="120" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  485. <config default="Strip" name="ChamberLabel" nameView="Chamber Label" description="Chamber名称" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  488. <config default="false" name="EnableWallHeater" nameView="Enable Chamber Wall Heater" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  489. <config default="false" name="EnableGridHeater" nameView="Enable Chamber Grid Heater" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  490. <config default="5" name="RecipeToleranceIgnoreTime" nameView="Ignore Time Before Check Recipe Step Tolerance" description="" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  491. <configs name="MFCVerification" nameView="MFC Verification" >
  492. <config default="7500" name="ChamberVolume" nameView="Chamber Volume" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mL" visible="false" type="Double" />
  493. <config default="25" name="GasTemperature" nameView="Gas Temperature" max="1000" min="-1000" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" visible="false" type="Double" />
  494. <config default="9" name="TargetPressure" nameView="结束条件:腔体压力达到的最大值" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="Torr" visible="true" type="Double" />
  495. <config default="180" name="GasFlowTime" nameView="结束条件:流气多长时间" max="1000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" visible="true" type="Double" />
  496. <config default="30" name="MaxDeviation" nameView="结果检查:最大偏差,超过该值报警" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="%" visible="true" type="Double" />
  497. <config default="20" name="PressureStableTolerance" nameView="稳定条件:压力1秒内的最大变化范围" max="100000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="mTorr" visible="true" type="Double" />
  498. <config default="20" name="FlowStableTolerance" nameView="稳定条件:流量设定值和反馈值允许的最大偏差" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="%" visible="true" type="Double" />
  499. <config default="5" name="CheckStableTimeout" nameView="稳定条件:在多长时间内处于稳定状态" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="%" visible="false" type="Double" />
  500. </configs>
  501. <configs name="Chiller" nameView="Chiller" >
  502. <config default="false" name="ChillerSameWithPMA" nameView="Chiller Same With PMA" description="enable chiller same with PMA or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  503. <config default="true" name="EnableChiller" nameView="Enable Chiller" description="enable chiller or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  504. <config default="1" name="MFG" nameView="MFG" description="厂商, 1:SMC;" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  505. <config default="1" name="CommunicationType" nameView="Communication Type" description="0:Analogue; 1:RS232; 2:Ethernet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  506. <config default="COM22" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of pump" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  508. <config default="300" name="SetPointLimitMax" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Max" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  509. <config default="0" name="SetPointLimitMin" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Min" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
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  511. <config default="20" name="ToleranceAlarmRange" nameView="Tolerance Alarm Range" description="Tolerance Alarm Range" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="℃" type="Integer" />
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  513. </configs>
  514. <configs name="GridChiller" nameView="Grid Chiller" >
  515. <config default="true" name="EnableChiller" nameView="Enable Chiller" description="enable chiller or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
  516. <!--<config default="false" name="ChillerSameWithPMB" nameView="Chiller Same With PMB" description="enable chiller same with PMB or not" max="1" min="0" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />-->
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  519. <config default="COM12" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of pump" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  520. <config default="10" name="ChillerTemperatureOffset" nameView="Chiller Temperature Offset" description="" max="10" min="-10" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  521. <config default="300" name="SetPointLimitMax" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Max" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  522. <config default="0" name="SetPointLimitMin" nameView="Chiller Set Point Limit Min" description="" max="500" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="degree" type="Double" />
  523. </configs>
  524. <configs name="DryPump" nameView="Dry Pump" >
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  527. <config default="COM23" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of pump" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  530. </configs>
  531. <configs name="Rf" nameView="Source RF" >
  532. <config default="1" name="MFG" nameView="MFG" description="厂商, 1:AdTec; 2:Comet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  533. <config default="1" name="CommunicationType" nameView="Communication Type" description="0:Analogue; 1:RS232; 2:Ethernet" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
  534. <config default="COM24" name="Port" nameView="Port" description="serial port name of RFG" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
  535. <config default="" name="IPAddress" nameView="IP Address" description="EFEM IP,default" max="" min="" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="String" />
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  541. <config default="1" name="ReflectPowerAlarmTime" nameView="Reflect Power Alarm Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  543. <config default="1" name="Coefficient" nameView="Coefficient" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  555. <config default="2000" name="RFCalibratedMaxPower" nameView="RF Calibrated Max Power" description="" max="9999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  559. </configs>
  560. <configs name="match" nameView="Source Match" >
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  568. <!--<config default="10" name="MatchPositionC1" nameView="Match Position C1" description="" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
  569. <config default="10" name="MatchPositionC2" nameView="Match Position C2" description="" max="100" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />-->
  570. </configs>
  571. <configs name="BiasRf" nameView="Bias RF" >
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  580. <config default="10" name="PowerWarningTime" nameView="Power Warning Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  582. <config default="1" name="ReflectPowerAlarmTime" nameView="Reflect Power Alarm Time" description="" max="10" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  590. <config default="3000" name="RfPowerAlarmTime" nameView="RF Power Alarm Time" description="" max="10000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Integer" />
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  595. <config default="600" name="RFCalibratedMaxPower" nameView="RF Calibrated Max Power" description="" max="9999" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
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  599. </configs>
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  608. </configs>
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  610. <config default="true" name="Enable" nameView="Enable" description="Enable gas 1 or not" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
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  621. </configs>
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  633. <config default="10" name="MfcWarningTime" nameView="MFC Warning Time" description="" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  634. </configs>
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  644. <config default="10" name="MfcAlarmTime" nameView="MFC Alarm Time" description="" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
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  646. <config default="10" name="MfcWarningTime" nameView="MFC Warning Time" description="" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
  647. </configs>
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  656. <config default="10" name="MfcAlarmRange" nameView="MFC Alarm Range" description="MFC Alarm Range" max="200" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="sccm" type="Integer" />
  657. <config default="10" name="MfcAlarmTime" nameView="MFC Alarm Time" description="MFC Alarm Time" max="60" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="second" type="Integer" />
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  660. </configs>
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  668. <config default="true" name="MfcEnableAlarm" nameView="MFC Enable Alarm" description="MFC Enable Alarm" max="1" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Bool" />
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  673. </configs>
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  679. <config default="120" name="PumpTimeLimit" nameView="Pump Time Limit" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="" type="Double" />
  680. <config default="5" name="PumpValveDelay" nameView="Pump Valve Delay" description="" max="3000" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="s" type="Integer" />
  681. </configs>
  682. <configs name="Purge" nameView="Purge" >
  683. <config default="3" name="PurgeCycleCount" nameView="Purge Cycle Count" description="" max="30" min="0" paramter="" tag="" unit="times" type="Double" />
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  690. </configs>
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  717. </configs>
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  744. </configs>
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  800. <!--Clean-->
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  805. </configs>
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  817. </configs>
  818. </configs>
  819. </root>