using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Aitex.UI.Charting.Model;
using System.Threading;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart;
using System.Windows.Media;
using Aitex.UI.Charting.Command;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows.Threading;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Controls;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart.Model.DataSeries;
using Abt.Controls.SciChart.Visuals.RenderableSeries;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Aitex.UI.Charting.View;
using DataAnalysisControl.Core;
namespace Aitex.UI.Charting.ViewModel
public sealed class CommonViewModel : ChartingBaseViewModel
/// 获取所有数据曲线对象
public List GetAllDataLineSeries()
List lines = new List();
for (int i = 0; i < RenderableSeries.Count; i++)
var line = RenderableSeries[i] as MyLineSeries;
if (line != null)
return lines;
/// new object is not allowed
private CommonViewModel()
DataConfigViewVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
DataDisplayViewVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
Switch2DataCfgViewCommand = new ChartingCommand((o) => true, (o) =>
DataDisplayViewVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
DataConfigViewVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
Switch2DataDisplayViewCommand = new ChartingCommand((o) => true, (o) =>
DataConfigViewVisibility = Visibility.Collapsed;
DataDisplayViewVisibility = Visibility.Visible;
RenderableSeries = new ObservableCollection();
DataSources = new Dictionary();
ToggleDataDisplayPanelCommand = new ChartingCommand((o) => true, (o) =>
if (DataConfigViewRow != null)
DataConfigViewRow.Height = new GridLength(DataConfigViewRow.Height.Value > 0 ? 0 : 150);
_dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer();
_dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 100);
_dispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(_dispatcherTimer_Tick);
public void Start()
if (_isAlive) return;
_isAlive = true;
public void Stop()
_isAlive = false;
bool _isAlive = false;
/// DispatcherTimer中定期处理一些和GUI相关的处理,例如新建、删除LineSeries对象等
void _dispatcherTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (_commandQueue.Count > 0)
if (!Monitor.TryEnter(_dataLocker))
IEnumerable commandList = null;
lock (_cmdQLocker)
commandList = _commandQueue.ToList();
foreach (var command in commandList)
catch (Exception ex)
DispatcherTimer _dispatcherTimer;
private readonly static Lazy _instance = new Lazy(() => new CommonViewModel(), true);
/// 获取当前对象的单实例
public static CommonViewModel Instance
return _instance.Value;
#region view switch
public ICommand ToggleDataDisplayPanelCommand { get; set; }
public Visibility DataConfigViewVisibility { get; private set; }
public Visibility DataDisplayViewVisibility { get; private set; }
public ICommand Switch2DataCfgViewCommand { get; set; }
public ICommand Switch2DataDisplayViewCommand { get; set; }
#region data source operations
/// 生长率曲线相关的定义
public MyLineSeries GrowthRateRenderableSeries { get; set; }
public RowDefinition DataConfigViewRow { get; set; }
public bool IsDataConfigVisiable { get { return DataConfigViewRow != null && DataConfigViewRow.Height.Value > 0; } }
Queue _commandQueue = new Queue();
object _cmdQLocker = new object();
object _dataLocker = new object();
public Dictionary DataSources { get; set; }
public ObservableCollection RenderableSeries { get; set; }
public DateTime Time1 { get; set; } //时间标尺1
public DateTime Time2 { get; set; } //时间标尺2
IDataSource _currentSelectedDataSource;
public IDataSource CurrentSelectedDataSource
return _currentSelectedDataSource;
if ((value != null) &&(_currentSelectedDataSource == null || _currentSelectedDataSource != value))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(value.WaferDisplayIndex) &&
(_currentSelectedDataSource == null ||
WaferDisplayIndex = value.WaferDisplayIndex;
WaferDisplayIndex = GetWaferDisplayIndex(value.BeginTime, value.ChamberName);
value.WaferDisplayIndex = WaferDisplayIndex;
_currentSelectedDataSource = value;
if (_currentSelectedDataSource != null)
CurrentSelectedDataSourceName = _currentSelectedDataSource.Title;
/// 获取数据曲线对象
public MyLineSeries GetDataLineSeries(string uniqueDataId)
for (int i = 0; i < RenderableSeries.Count; i++)
var line = RenderableSeries[i] as MyLineSeries;
if (line != null && line.UniqueId == uniqueDataId)
return RenderableSeries[i] as MyLineSeries;
return null;
public string CurrentSelectedDataSourceName
private set;
public ObservableCollection DataSourceList
var ret = new ObservableCollection();
foreach (var key in DataSources.Keys)
return ret;
public List DataSourceNameList
return DataSources.Keys.ToList();
/// 移除先前绘制的生长率计算曲线
public void ClearGrowthRateCurve()
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new RemoveGrowthCurveCommand());
/// 新增DataSource对象
public void AddDataSource(IDataSource dataSource)
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new AddDataSourceCommand(dataSource));
/// 移除DataSource对象
/// 移除指定的数据源,如果sourceName为null,则移除所有的数据源
public void RemoveDataSource(string sourceName)
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new RemoveDataSourceCommand(sourceName));
#region data item operations
/// 添加Data Item对象
public void AddDataSeries(string dataSourceName, string seriesName, string displayName, Color lineColor, float factor, float offset, int lineWidth)
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new AddDataSeriesCommand(dataSourceName, seriesName, displayName, lineColor, factor, offset, lineWidth));
/// 显示所有当前数据
public void ShowAllSeries()
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new ShowAllSeriesCommand());
/// 隐藏当前所有数据
public void HidAllSeries()
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new HidAllSeriesCommand());
/// 显示预设的数据管理对话框
public void LoadPresetSetting()
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new LoadPresetSettingCommand());
/// 数据源时间更新
public void SyncSourceTime(string dataSourceName, DateTime syncTimePoint, string syncStepName)
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new SourceTimeSyncCommand(dataSourceName, syncTimePoint, syncStepName));
/// 数据缩放因子+Offset改变命令
public void ChangeDataDisplayFactor(string uniqueDataName, double newFactor, double newOffset)
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new ChangeFactorOffsetCommand(uniqueDataName, newFactor, newOffset));
/// 去除DataItem对象
public void RemoveDataSeries(string uniqueDataId)
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new RemoveDataSeriesCommand(uniqueDataId));
/// 保存当前所有数据
public void ExportAllSeries()
lock (_cmdQLocker)
_commandQueue.Enqueue(new ExportAllSeriesCommand());
private int GetIndex(List Total, int index)
int _result = -1;
//string[] _temp = Total.Split(',');
//for (int i = 0; i < _temp.Length; i++)
// if (_temp[i].PadLeft(2,'0').Equals(index.ToString().Trim().PadLeft(2,'0')))
// {
// _result = i+1;
// break;
// }
_result = Total.FindIndex((x) => x == (index.ToString().Trim().PadLeft(2, '0')));
if (_result >= 0) { _result++; }
return _result;
#region thread - timely retrieve data
/// data getting task
void TaskRun()
while (_isAlive)
List> newDataDic =
new List>();
Dictionary>> rqDataDic =
new Dictionary>>();
lock (_dataLocker)
foreach(MyLineSeries line in RenderableSeries)
if (DateTime.Now < line.NextQueryTime || line == null || line.DataSource == null)
IDataSource dataSource = line.DataSource; //数据源对象
string chamName = dataSource.ChamberName; //Chamber名称
DateTime lastUpdateTime = line.LastUpdateTime; //最后一次获取数据的时间
DateTime dataEndTime = dataSource.EndTime; //数据源的结束时间
if (lastUpdateTime >= dataEndTime)
DateTime nextDataTime = lastUpdateTime.Date + new TimeSpan(0, 23, 59, 59, 999); //ChartDataDic[dataId].Item4.LastUpdateTime + new TimeSpan(2, 0, 0);
if (nextDataTime > dataEndTime) nextDataTime = dataEndTime;
string dataName = line.SeriesName;
//if(int.TryParse(WaferDisplayIndex.Split(',')[index-1],out index))
if (!rqDataDic.ContainsKey(dataSource))
rqDataDic.Add(dataSource, new List>());
rqDataDic[dataSource].Add(new Tuple(dataSource, dataName, line.UniqueId, lastUpdateTime, nextDataTime));
//优化1:在此作判断,如果多个DataItem的如果在同一个DataSource中而且beginTime,EndTime完全一致,那么合并后进行Select Query可以进行加速
foreach (var ds in rqDataDic.Keys)
var tempDic = new Dictionary>>();
foreach (var daq in rqDataDic[ds])
string id = string.Format("{0}-{1}", daq.Item4.Ticks, daq.Item5.Ticks);
if (!tempDic.ContainsKey(id))
tempDic.Add(id, new List>());
DateTime earliestEndT = DateTime.MaxValue;
foreach (var tickKey in tempDic.Keys)
var endT = tempDic[tickKey][0].Item5;
if (endT < earliestEndT)
earliestEndT = endT;
ListremoveQueryList = new List();
foreach (var tickKey in tempDic.Keys)
var beginT = tempDic[tickKey][0].Item4;
if (beginT > earliestEndT)
foreach (var tickKey in removeQueryList)
//database query
foreach (var tickKey in tempDic.Keys)
List dataNameList = new List();
List dataIdList = new List();
foreach (var da in tempDic[tickKey])
if (tempDic[tickKey].Count > 0)
List rtdata;
var singleData = tempDic[tickKey][0];
var dataSource = singleData.Item1;
var beginT = singleData.Item4;
var endT = singleData.Item5;
var isSucc = dataSource.GetData(dataNameList, beginT, endT, out rtdata);
if (isSucc)
for (int ss = 0; ss < dataIdList.Count; ss++)
newDataDic.Add(new Tuple(dataIdList[ss], rtdata[ss], endT));
Application.Current.Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action
>>((o) =>
if (o.Count > 0)
lock (_dataLocker)
var nextRetryQueryTime = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 2);
foreach (var item in o)
var dataId = item.Item1;
var dataName = item.Item2.DataName;
var line = GetDataLineSeries(dataId);
if (line == null)
if (item.Item2.TimeStamp.Count == 0) //get nothing for this querying
if (item.Item3.Date >= DateTime.Now.Date)//possible data is still in generating today, try again 2 seconds later
line.NextQueryTime = nextRetryQueryTime;
else //data not available for this day, jump to query next day
line.NextQueryTime = DateTime.Now;
line.LastUpdateTime = item.Item3.Date + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
else //get something for this querying
//update next query time point
line.NextQueryTime = DateTime.Now;
if (item.Item3.Date >= DateTime.Now.Date) //update the last update time by exactly last data timestamp, for some more data is in generating state
line.LastUpdateTime = item.Item2.TimeStamp[item.Item2.TimeStamp.Count - 1] + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, 500);
line.LastUpdateTime = item.Item3.Date + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0);
//write to data buf
var timeMove = line.DataSource.TimeMove;
var factorScale = (float)line.Factor;
var offset = (float)line.Offset;
var dataSet = line.DataSeries as DataSeries;
if (timeMove.Ticks != 0 && (factorScale == 1 && offset == 0))
List movedTimeList = new List();
foreach (var time1 in item.Item2.TimeStamp)
movedTimeList.Add(time1 + timeMove);
dataSet.Append(movedTimeList, item.Item2.RawData);
else if (timeMove.Ticks == 0 && (factorScale != 1 || offset != 0))
List scaledValue = new List();
foreach (var value1 in item.Item2.RawData)
scaledValue.Add(value1 * factorScale + offset);
dataSet.Append(item.Item2.TimeStamp, scaledValue);
else if (timeMove.Ticks != 0 && (factorScale != 1|| offset != 0))
List movedTimeList = new List();
List scaledValue = new List();
foreach (var time1 in item.Item2.TimeStamp)
movedTimeList.Add(time1 + timeMove);
foreach (var value1 in item.Item2.RawData)
scaledValue.Add(value1 * factorScale + offset);
dataSet.Append(movedTimeList, scaledValue);
dataSet.Append(item.Item2.TimeStamp, item.Item2.RawData);
}), newDataDic);
catch (Exception ex)
CONTEXT.WriteLog(ex, "Charting绘图Task运行发生异常");