using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Diagnostics; using System.Linq; using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Xml; using Aitex.Core.Common.DeviceData; using Aitex.Core.RT.DataCenter; using Aitex.Core.RT.Event; using Aitex.Core.RT.Fsm; using Aitex.Core.RT.IOCore; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using Aitex.Core.RT.SCCore; using Aitex.Core.Util; namespace Aitex.Core.RT.Device.Unit { public class IoServoMotor : BaseDevice, IDevice { #region FSM Entity protected void Transition<T, V>(T state, V msg, FsmFunc func, T next) { Debug.Assert(typeof(T).IsEnum && typeof(V).IsEnum); int _state = Convert.ToInt32(state); int _next = Convert.ToInt32(next); int _msg = Convert.ToInt32(msg); Transition(_state, _msg, func, _next); } protected void Transition(int state, int msg, FsmFunc func, int next) { _fsm.Transition(state, msg, func, next); } protected void AnyStateTransition(int msg, FsmFunc func, int next) { _fsm.AnyStateTransition(msg, func, next); } protected void AnyStateTransition<T, V>(V msg, FsmFunc func, T next) { Debug.Assert(typeof(T).IsEnum && typeof(V).IsEnum); int _next = Convert.ToInt32(next); int _msg = Convert.ToInt32(msg); AnyStateTransition(_msg, func, _next); } protected void EnterExitTransition<T, V>(T state, FsmFunc enter, Nullable<V> msg, FsmFunc exit) where V : struct { Debug.Assert(typeof(T).IsEnum && ((msg == null) || typeof(V).IsEnum)); int _state = Convert.ToInt32(state); int _msg = msg == null ? (int)FSM_MSG.NONE : Convert.ToInt32(msg); EnterExitTransition(_state, enter, _msg, exit); } protected void EnterExitTransition(int state, FsmFunc enter, int msg, FsmFunc exit) { _fsm.EnterExitTransition(state, enter, msg, exit); } public void PostMsg<T>(T msg, params object[] args) where T : struct { Debug.Assert(typeof(T).IsEnum); int id = Convert.ToInt32(msg); PostMsg(id, args); } public void PostMsg(int msg, params object[] args) { _fsm.PostMsg(msg, args); } #endregion public int State { get { return _fsm.State; } } public bool IsServoOn { get { return _diServoOnFeedback.Value; } } public bool IsAlarm { get { return _diAlarm.Value; } } public bool IsPulseOn { get { return _diPulseOutputOn.Value; } } public bool IsWithoutOrigin { get { return _diWithoutOrigin.Value; } } public float Acceleration { get { return _aoAcceleration.Value / 100; } set { _aoAcceleration.Value = value * 100; } } public float Deceleration { get { return _aoDeceleration.Value / 100; } set { _aoDeceleration.Value = value * 100; } } public float StartFrequency { get { return _aoStartFrequency.Value / 100; } set { _aoStartFrequency.Value = value * 100; } } public float ServoSpeedSetPoint { get { return _aoServoSpeedSetPoint.Value / 100; } set { _aoServoSpeedSetPoint.Value = value * 100; } } public float ManualSpeedSetPoint { get { return _aoManualSpeedSetPoint.Value / 100; } set { _aoManualSpeedSetPoint.Value = value * 100; } } public float PositionSetPoint { get { return _aoPositionSetPoint.Value / 100; } set { _aoPositionSetPoint.Value = value * 100; } } public float PulseFeedback { get { return _aiPulseFeedback.Value / 100; } } public float ServoSpeedFeedback { get { return _aiServoSpeedFeedback.Value / 100; } } public float ManualSpeedFeedback { get { return _aiManualSpeedFeedback.Value / 100; } } public float PositionFeedback { get { return _aiPositionFeedback.Value / 100; } } private DIAccessor _diOriginSignal; private DIAccessor _diCWLimitSignal; private DIAccessor _diCCWLimitSignal; private DIAccessor _diLocationComplete; private DIAccessor _diAlarm; private DIAccessor _diPulseOutputOn; private DIAccessor _diPulseOutputComplete; private DIAccessor _diWithoutOrigin; private DIAccessor _diServoOnFeedback; private DOAccessor _doBreakRelay; private DOAccessor _doServoOn; private DOAccessor _doMoveUp; private DOAccessor _doMoveDown; private DOAccessor _doMoveToPosition; private DOAccessor _doDeviationCounterReset; private DOAccessor _doAlarmReset; private DOAccessor _doStopMoveUp; private DOAccessor _doStopMoveDown; private DOAccessor _doLookingForOrigin; private AOAccessor _aoServoSpeedSetPoint; private AOAccessor _aoManualSpeedSetPoint; private AOAccessor _aoAcceleration; private AOAccessor _aoDeceleration; private AOAccessor _aoStartFrequency; private AOAccessor _aoPositionSetPoint; private AIAccessor _aiPulseFeedback; private AIAccessor _aiServoSpeedFeedback; private AIAccessor _aiManualSpeedFeedback; private AIAccessor _aiPositionFeedback; private AIAccessor _aiAccelerationFeedback; private AIAccessor _aiDecelerationFeedback; private AIAccessor _aiStartFrequencyFeedback; private DeviceTimer _timerServoOn = new DeviceTimer(); private DeviceTimer _timerServoOff = new DeviceTimer(); private DeviceTimer _timerHome = new DeviceTimer(); private DeviceTimer _timerResetAlarm = new DeviceTimer(); private DeviceTimer _timerMove = new DeviceTimer(); private DeviceTimer _timerStop = new DeviceTimer(); private SCItem<double> _scServoOnTimeout = null; private SCItem<double> _scResetAlarmTimeout = null; private SCItem<double> _scMoveTimeout = null; private SCItem<double> _scStopTimeout = null; private SCItem<double> _scHomeTimeout = null; private SCItem<double> _scAcceleration = null; private SCItem<double> _scDeceleration = null; private SCItem<double> _scStartFrequency = null; private SCItem<double> _scDefaultServoSpeed = null; private SCItem<double> _scDefaultManualSpeed = null; private R_TRIG _trigCWLimit = new R_TRIG(); private R_TRIG _trigCCWLimit = new R_TRIG(); private IStateMachine _fsm; protected Thread _thread = null; RD_TRIG _trigPulseOutput = new RD_TRIG(); public IoServoMotor(string module, XmlElement node) { _fsm = new StateMachine<IoServoMotor>("ServoMotorFSM", (int)ServoState.ServoOff, 500); Transition(ServoState.ServoOff, FSM_MSG.TIMER, MonitorServoOff, ServoState.ServoOff); Transition(ServoState.ServoOff, ServoMsg.ServoOn, DoServoOn, ServoState.ServoOff); Transition(ServoState.ServoOff, ServoMsg.TrigServoOn, null, ServoState.NotHomed); Transition(ServoState.NotHomed, FSM_MSG.TIMER, MonitorNotHomed, ServoState.NotHomed); Transition(ServoState.NotHomed, ServoMsg.Home, DoHome, ServoState.Homing); Transition(ServoState.NotHomed, ServoMsg.ServoOff, DoServoOff, ServoState.NotHomed); Transition(ServoState.NotHomed, ServoMsg.TrigServoOff, null, ServoState.ServoOff); Transition(ServoState.NotHomed, ServoMsg.TrigHomed, null, ServoState.Homed); Transition(ServoState.NotHomed, ServoMsg.TrigError, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Homing, FSM_MSG.TIMER, MonitorHoming, ServoState.Homing); Transition(ServoState.Homing, ServoMsg.ServoOff, DoServoOff, ServoState.Homing); Transition(ServoState.Homing, ServoMsg.Error, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Homing, ServoMsg.TrigServoOff, null, ServoState.ServoOff); Transition(ServoState.Homing, ServoMsg.TrigHomed, null, ServoState.Homed); Transition(ServoState.Homing, ServoMsg.TrigError, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Homed, FSM_MSG.TIMER, MonitorHomed, ServoState.Homed); Transition(ServoState.Homed, ServoMsg.ServoOff, DoServoOff, ServoState.Homed); Transition(ServoState.Homed, ServoMsg.MoveTo, DoMoveTo, ServoState.Moving); Transition(ServoState.Homed, ServoMsg.MoveOffset, DoMoveOffset, ServoState.Moving); Transition(ServoState.Homed, ServoMsg.TrigServoOff, null, ServoState.ServoOff); Transition(ServoState.Homed, ServoMsg.TrigNotHomed, null, ServoState.NotHomed); Transition(ServoState.Homed, ServoMsg.TrigError, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Homed, ServoMsg.Home, DoHome, ServoState.Homing); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.Home, DoHome, ServoState.Homing); Transition(ServoState.Moving, FSM_MSG.TIMER, MonitorMoving, ServoState.Moving); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.Stop, DoStop, ServoState.Homed); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.ServoOff, DoServoOff, ServoState.Moving); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.Error, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.TrigServoOff, null, ServoState.ServoOff); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.TrigNotHomed, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.TrigError, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Moving, ServoMsg.TrigAtPosition, null, ServoState.Homed); Transition(ServoState.Reseting, FSM_MSG.TIMER, MonitorResetting, ServoState.Reseting); Transition(ServoState.Reseting, ServoMsg.ServoOff, DoServoOff, ServoState.Reseting); Transition(ServoState.Reseting, ServoMsg.Error, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Reseting, ServoMsg.TrigServoOff, null, ServoState.ServoOff); Transition(ServoState.Reseting, ServoMsg.TrigRecovered, null, ServoState.NotHomed); Transition(ServoState.Reseting, ServoMsg.TrigError, null, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Error, FSM_MSG.TIMER, MonitorError, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Error, ServoMsg.Reset, DoReset, ServoState.Reseting); Transition(ServoState.Error, ServoMsg.ServoOff, DoServoOff, ServoState.Error); Transition(ServoState.Error, ServoMsg.TrigServoOff, null, ServoState.ServoOff); base.Module = module; base.Name = node.GetAttribute("id"); base.Display = node.GetAttribute("display"); base.DeviceID = node.GetAttribute("schematicId"); _diOriginSignal = ParseDiNode("diOriginSignal", node); _diCWLimitSignal = ParseDiNode("diCWLimitSignal", node); _diCCWLimitSignal = ParseDiNode("diCCWLimitSignal", node); _diLocationComplete = ParseDiNode("diLocationComplete", node); _diAlarm = ParseDiNode("diAlarm", node); _diPulseOutputOn = ParseDiNode("diPulseOutputOn", node); _diPulseOutputComplete = ParseDiNode("diPulseOutputComplete", node); _diWithoutOrigin = ParseDiNode("diWithoutOrigin", node); _diServoOnFeedback = ParseDiNode("diServoOnFeedback", node); _doBreakRelay = ParseDoNode("doBreakRelay", node); _doServoOn = ParseDoNode("doServoOn", node); _doMoveUp = ParseDoNode("doMoveUp", node); _doMoveDown = ParseDoNode("doMoveDown", node); _doMoveToPosition = ParseDoNode("doMoveToPosition", node); _doDeviationCounterReset = ParseDoNode("doDeviationCounterReset", node); _doAlarmReset = ParseDoNode("doAlarmReset", node); _doStopMoveUp = ParseDoNode("doStopMoveUp", node); _doStopMoveDown = ParseDoNode("doStopMoveDown", node); _doLookingForOrigin = ParseDoNode("doLookingForOrigin", node); _aoServoSpeedSetPoint = ParseAoNode("aoServoSpeedSetPoint", node); _aoManualSpeedSetPoint = ParseAoNode("aoManualSpeedSetPoint", node); _aoAcceleration = ParseAoNode("aoAcceleration", node); _aoDeceleration = ParseAoNode("aoDeceleration", node); _aoStartFrequency = ParseAoNode("aoStartFrequency", node); _aoPositionSetPoint = ParseAoNode("aoPositionSetPoint", node); _aiPulseFeedback = ParseAiNode("aiPulseFeedback", node); _aiServoSpeedFeedback = ParseAiNode("aiServoSpeedFeedback", node); _aiManualSpeedFeedback = ParseAiNode("aiManualSpeedFeedback", node); _aiPositionFeedback = ParseAiNode("aiPositionFeedback", node); _aiAccelerationFeedback = ParseAiNode("aiAccelerationFeedback", node); _aiDecelerationFeedback = ParseAiNode("aiDecelerationFeedback", node); _aiStartFrequencyFeedback = ParseAiNode("aiStartFrequencyFeedback", node); _scAcceleration = ParseScNodeDouble("scAcceleration", node); _scDeceleration = ParseScNodeDouble("scDeceleration", node); _scStartFrequency = ParseScNodeDouble("scStartFrequency", node); _scDefaultServoSpeed = ParseScNodeDouble("scDefaultServoSpeed", node); _scDefaultManualSpeed = ParseScNodeDouble("scDefaultManualSpeed", node); _scServoOnTimeout = ParseScNodeDouble("scServoOnTimeout", node); _scMoveTimeout = ParseScNodeDouble("scMoveTimeout", node); _scStopTimeout = ParseScNodeDouble("scStopTimeout", node); _scResetAlarmTimeout = ParseScNodeDouble("scResetAlarmTimeout", node); _scHomeTimeout = ParseScNodeDouble("scHomeTimeout", node); } public bool ServoOn( ) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.ServoOn); return true; } public bool IsServoOnState( ) { return _fsm.State != (int)ServoState.ServoOff; } public bool IsHomedState( ) { return _fsm.State == (int)ServoState.Homed; } public bool InvokeStop() { PostMsg(ServoMsg.Stop); return true; } public bool Home(out string reason ) { if( (_fsm.State == (int)ServoState.ServoOff) || (_fsm.State == (int)ServoState.Error) ) { reason = string.Format("Can not home {0} while in {1} status.", Display, ((ServoState)_fsm.State)); return false; } reason = string.Format("{0} Home", Display); PostMsg(ServoMsg.Home); return true; } public bool MoveTo(double position, out string reason) { if (_fsm.State != (int)ServoState.Homed) { reason = string.Format("Can not move {0} while in {1} status.", Display, ((ServoState)_fsm.State)); return false; } double speed = _scDefaultServoSpeed.Value; reason = string.Format("{0} Move to {1} at speed {2}", Display, position, speed); PostMsg(ServoMsg.MoveTo, speed, position); return true; } private bool DoServoOn(object[] objs) { string reason = string.Empty; if (!_doServoOn.SetValue(true, out reason)) { return false; } _timerServoOn.Start(_scServoOnTimeout.Value * 1000); return true; } private bool MonitorServoOff(object[] objs) { if (_doServoOn.Value && _timerServoOn.IsTimeout()) { _doServoOn.Value = false; EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Can not turn {0} servo on in {1} seconds", Display, _scServoOnTimeout.Value)); } if (IsServoOn) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigServoOn); return true; } return true; } private bool DoHome(object[] objs) { string reason = string.Empty; if (!_doLookingForOrigin.SetValue(true, out reason)) { return false; } _timerHome.Start(_scHomeTimeout.Value * 1000); return true; } private bool DoServoOff(object[] objs) { string reason = string.Empty; if (!_doServoOn.SetValue(false, out reason)) { LOG.Write(reason); return false; } if (!_doMoveToPosition.SetValue(false, out reason)) { return false; } _timerServoOff.Start(_scServoOnTimeout.Value * 1000); return true; } private bool MonitorNotHomed(object[] objs) { if (!_doServoOn.Value && _timerServoOff.IsTimeout()) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Can not turn {0} servo off in {1} seconds", Display, _scServoOnTimeout.Value)); _doServoOn.Value = true; } if (!IsServoOn) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigServoOff); return true; } if (!IsWithoutOrigin) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigHomed); return true; } if (IsAlarm) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigError); return true; } return true; } private bool MonitorHoming(object[] objs) { if (!_doServoOn.Value && _timerServoOff.IsTimeout()) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Can not turn {0} servo off in {1} seconds", Display, _scServoOnTimeout.Value)); _doServoOn.Value = true; } if (_doLookingForOrigin.Value && _timerHome.IsTimeout()) { _doLookingForOrigin.Value = false; EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Can not home {0} in {1} seconds", Display, _scHomeTimeout.Value)); } if (!IsServoOn) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigServoOff); return true; } if (!IsWithoutOrigin) { if (_timerHome.GetElapseTime() < 1000) { return true; // Delay 1秒钟。 } PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigHomed); _doLookingForOrigin.Value = false; return true; } if (IsAlarm) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigError); return true; } return true; } private bool MonitorHomed(object[] objs) { if (!_doServoOn.Value && _timerServoOff.IsTimeout()) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Can not turn {0} servo off in {1} seconds", Display, _scServoOnTimeout.Value)); _doServoOn.Value = true; } if (!IsServoOn) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigServoOff); return true; } if (IsWithoutOrigin) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigNotHomed); return true; } if (IsAlarm) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigError); return true; } return true; } private bool MonitorMoving(object[] objs) { bool isWroteToPlc = ((Math.Abs(ServoSpeedSetPoint - ServoSpeedFeedback) < 0.0001) && (Math.Abs(PositionSetPoint - PositionFeedback) < 0.0001)); bool isAtPosition = Math.Abs(PositionSetPoint - PulseFeedback) < 0.0001; string reason = string.Empty; if (isAtPosition && !_diPulseOutputOn.Value) { _doMoveToPosition.SetValue(false, out reason); PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigAtPosition); LOG.Write(string.Format("{0} Moved to position {1}", Display, PositionSetPoint )); return true; } if (isWroteToPlc && !_doMoveToPosition.Value) { _doMoveToPosition.SetValue(true, out reason); _timerMove.Start(_scMoveTimeout.Value * 1000); LOG.Write(string.Format("{0} Send moving command ", Display )); } if (_doMoveToPosition.Value && _timerMove.IsTimeout()) { _doMoveToPosition.SetValue(false, out reason); EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Can not move {0} to position in {1} seconds", Display, _scServoOnTimeout.Value)); PostMsg(ServoMsg.Error); return true; } if (!IsServoOn) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigServoOff); return true; } if (IsWithoutOrigin) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigNotHomed); return true; } if (IsAlarm) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigError); return true; } return true; } private bool DoMoveTo(object[] objs) { ServoSpeedSetPoint = (float)(double)objs[0]; PositionSetPoint = (float)(double)objs[1]; //string reason; //if (!_doMoveToPosition.SetValue(true, out reason)) //{ // LOG.Write(reason); // return false; //} LOG.Write(string.Format("{0} Moving to {1}", Display, PositionSetPoint)); return true; } private bool DoMoveOffset(object[] objs) { double speed = (double)objs[0]; double offset = (double)objs[1]; double position = PulseFeedback + offset; PositionSetPoint = (float)position; ServoSpeedSetPoint = (float)speed; return true; } private bool DoStop(object[] objs) { string reason = string.Empty; _doMoveToPosition.SetValue(false, out reason); return true; } private bool MonitorError(object[] objs) { if (!IsServoOn) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigServoOff); return true; } return true; } private bool MonitorResetting(object[] objs) { string reason; if (_doAlarmReset.Value && _timerResetAlarm.IsTimeout()) { _doAlarmReset.SetValue(false, out reason); EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Can not recover {0} in {1} seconds", Display, _scResetAlarmTimeout.Value)); PostMsg(ServoMsg.Error); return true; } if (!IsServoOn) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigServoOff); return true; } if (IsAlarm) { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigError); return true; } else { PostMsg(ServoMsg.TrigRecovered); } return true; } private bool DoReset(object[] objs) { string reason; _doAlarmReset.SetValue(true, out reason); _timerResetAlarm.Start(_scResetAlarmTimeout.Value * 1000); return true; } public bool Initialize() { Acceleration = (float)_scAcceleration.Value; Deceleration = (float)_scDeceleration.Value; StartFrequency = (float)_scStartFrequency.Value; ManualSpeedSetPoint = (float)_scDefaultManualSpeed.Value; ServoSpeedSetPoint = (float)_scDefaultServoSpeed.Value; DATA.Subscribe(string.Format("Device.{0}.{1}", Module, Name), () => { AITServoMotorData data = new AITServoMotorData() { DeviceName = Name, DeviceSchematicId = DeviceID, DisplayName = Display, IsServoOn = IsServoOn, IsAlarm = IsAlarm, IsWithoutOrigin = IsWithoutOrigin, IsPulseOn = IsPulseOn, PositionFeedback = PositionFeedback, PositionSetPoint = PositionSetPoint, PulseFeedback = PulseFeedback, ManualSpeedSetPoint = ManualSpeedSetPoint, ManualSpeedFeedback = ManualSpeedFeedback, State = State, ServoSpeedFeedback = ServoSpeedFeedback, ServoSpeedSetPoint = ServoSpeedSetPoint, }; return data; }, SubscriptionAttribute.FLAG.IgnoreSaveDB); DEVICE.Register(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Name, AITServoMotorOperation.SetServoOn), (out string reason, int time, object[] param) => { reason = string.Format("{0} Servo on", Display); PostMsg(ServoMsg.ServoOn); return true; }); DEVICE.Register(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Name, AITServoMotorOperation.Home), (out string reason, int time, object[] param) => { if( (_fsm.State == (int)ServoState.ServoOff) || (_fsm.State == (int)ServoState.Error) ) { reason = string.Format("Can not home {0} while in {1} status.", Display, ((ServoState)_fsm.State)); return false; } reason = string.Format("{0} Home", Display); PostMsg(ServoMsg.Home); return true; }); DEVICE.Register(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Name, AITServoMotorOperation.SetServoOff), (out string reason, int time, object[] param) => { reason = string.Format("{0} Servo off", Display); PostMsg(ServoMsg.ServoOff); return true; }); DEVICE.Register(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Name, AITServoMotorOperation.MoveTo), (out string reason, int time, object[] param) => { if (_fsm.State != (int)ServoState.Homed) { reason = string.Format("Can not move {0} while in {1} status.", Display, ((ServoState)_fsm.State)); return false; } double speed = Convert.ToDouble(param[0]); double position = Convert.ToDouble(param[1]); reason = string.Format("{0} Move to {1} at speed {2}", Display, position, speed); PostMsg(ServoMsg.MoveTo, speed, position); return true; }); DEVICE.Register(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Name, AITServoMotorOperation.MoveOffset), (out string reason, int time, object[] param) => { if (_fsm.State != (int)ServoState.Homed) { reason = string.Format("Can not move {0} while in {1} status.", Display, ((ServoState)_fsm.State)); return false; } double speed = Convert.ToDouble(param[0]); double offset = Convert.ToDouble(param[1]); reason = string.Format("{0} Move offset {1} at speed {2}", Display, offset, speed); PostMsg(ServoMsg.MoveOffset, speed, offset); return true; }); DEVICE.Register(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Name, AITServoMotorOperation.Reset), (out string reason, int time, object[] param) => { if (_fsm.State != (int)ServoState.Error) { reason = string.Format("Can not reset {0} while in {1} status.", Display, ((ServoState)_fsm.State)); return false; } reason = string.Format("{0} Reset", Display); PostMsg(ServoMsg.Reset); return true; }); DEVICE.Register(string.Format("{0}.{1}", Name, AITServoMotorOperation.Stop), (out string reason, int time, object[] param) => { if (_fsm.State != (int)ServoState.Moving) { reason = string.Format("Can not stop {0} while in {1} status.", Display, ((ServoState)_fsm.State)); return false; } reason = string.Format("{0} Stop move", Display); PostMsg(ServoMsg.Stop); return true; }); _fsm.Start(); _thread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(_fsm.Loop)); _thread.Name = _fsm.Name; _thread.Start(); while (!_thread.IsAlive) Thread.Sleep(1); return true; } public void Terminate() { _fsm.Stop(); if (_thread.IsAlive) { Thread.Sleep(100); if (_thread.IsAlive) { try { _thread.Abort(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Error(String.Format("IoServoMotor terminate has exception."), ex); } } } } public void Monitor() { _trigCCWLimit.CLK = _diCCWLimitSignal.Value; if (_trigCCWLimit.Q) { EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("{0} in CCW Limit", Display)); } _trigCWLimit.CLK = _diCWLimitSignal.Value; if (_trigCWLimit.Q) { EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("{0} in CW Limit", Display)); } Acceleration = (float)_scAcceleration.Value; Deceleration = (float)_scDeceleration.Value; StartFrequency = (float)_scStartFrequency.Value; ManualSpeedSetPoint = (float)_scDefaultManualSpeed.Value; ServoSpeedSetPoint = (float)_scDefaultServoSpeed.Value; _trigPulseOutput.CLK = _diPulseOutputOn.Value; if (_trigPulseOutput.R) { LOG.Write(string.Format("{0} Moving", Display )); } if (_trigPulseOutput.T) { LOG.Write(string.Format("{0} Stop Moving", Display )); } } public void Reset() { PostMsg(ServoMsg.Reset); } public bool IsStoppedAtPosition(double position) { return (Math.Abs(position - PulseFeedback) < 0.01) && (Math.Abs(position - PositionSetPoint) < 0.01) && !_diPulseOutputOn.Value && IsHomedState( ); } } }