constant.cs 7.3 KB

  1. using System.Collections.Generic;
  2. namespace MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.LoadPorts.TDK
  3. {
  4. public enum CommandType
  5. {
  6. SET, // Initialization setting command
  7. MOD, // Operation mode setting command
  8. GET, // Status acquisition command
  9. FIN, // Normal reception command
  10. MOV, // Operation command
  11. EVT, // Start/Stop event report command
  12. RST, // Resend initialization setting command comman
  13. RFN, // Resend normal reception command
  14. RMV, // Resend operation command
  15. }
  16. public enum RespType
  17. {
  18. NAK, // Initialization setting command
  19. ACK, // Operation mode setting command
  20. INF, // Status acquisition command
  21. ABS, // Normal reception command
  22. }
  23. public enum Indicator
  24. {
  25. LOAD = 0x01,
  26. UNLOAD = 0x02,
  27. OPACCESS = 0x03,
  28. PRESENCE = 0x04,
  29. PLACEMENT = 0x05,
  30. ALARM = 0x06,
  31. STATUS1 = 0x07,
  32. STATUS2 = 0x08,
  33. OPACCESS2 = 0x9,
  34. }
  35. //public enum IndicatorState
  36. //{
  37. // ON,
  38. // BLINK,
  39. // OFF,
  40. //}
  41. public enum Mode
  42. {
  43. ONMGV, //Changes to the online mode
  44. MENTE,
  45. }
  46. public enum QueryType
  47. {
  48. STATE, //Checks the status.
  49. VERSN, //Checks the version.
  50. LEDST, //Reports the indicator status.
  51. MAPDT, //Wafer search data (descending order)
  52. MAPRD, //Wafer search data (ascending order)
  53. WFCNT, //Wafer quantity check
  54. FSBxx //Checks whether the FOSB Mode is ON/OFF
  55. }
  56. public enum EvtType
  57. {
  58. EVTON, //Starts reporting all events.(FOUP events is excluded)
  59. EVTOF, //Stops reporting all events. (FOUP events is excluded)
  60. FPEON, //Starts reporting FOUP events.
  61. FPEOF, //Stops reporting FOUP events.
  62. }
  63. public enum MovType
  64. {
  65. ORGSH, //Moves the FOUP to the initial position.
  66. ABORG, //Aborts the operation and moves the FOUP to the initial position.
  67. CLOAD, //Loads the FOUP (transfers the FOUP to the process unit).
  68. CLDDK, //Loads the FOUP (same as CLOAD) to the point where the system is ready to open the door.
  69. CLDYD, //Clamps the FOUP and moves the FOUP to the Y-axis docking position.
  70. CLDOP, //Continues loading the FOUP after CLDDK.
  71. CLDMP, //Maps and loads the FOUP.
  72. CLMPO, //Continues mapping and loading the FOUP after CLDDK.
  73. CULOD, //Unloads the FOUP (at the ejection position).
  74. CULDK, //Closes the door (same as CULOD).
  75. CUDCL, //Undocks the FOUP (while being clamped) after CULDK.
  76. CUDNC, //Unloads the FOUP after CULDK.
  77. CULYD, //Unloads the FOUP to the docking status.
  78. CULFC, //Unloads the FOUP to the point where the system can release (unclamp) the FOUP.
  79. CUDMP, //Maps and unloads the FOUP from the loaded status.
  80. CUMDK, //Maps the FOUP and closes the door from the loaded status.
  81. CUMFC, //Maps the FOUP to the before-unclamp status from the loaded status.
  82. MAPDO, //Maps the FOUP while being loaded.
  83. REMAP, //Resumes the interrupted mapping.
  84. PODOP, //FOUP clamp: Open
  85. PODCL, //FOUP clamp: Close
  86. VACON, //Vacuum on
  87. VACOF, //Vacuum off
  88. DOROP, //Latch key: Open (Unlatches the FOUP door.)
  89. DORCL, //Latch key: Close (Latches the FOUP door.)
  90. MAPOP, //Mapper arm: Open
  91. MAPCL, //Mapper arm: Close
  92. ZDRUP, //Move to Z-axis up position (door open position)
  93. ZDRDW, //Move to Z-axis down position (transport unit handover possible position)
  94. ZDRMP, //Lower to Z-axis mapping end position and conduct mapping
  95. ZMPST, //Move the mapper to the start position
  96. YWAIT, //Move to Y-axis undock position
  97. YDOOR, //Move to Y-axis dock position
  98. DORBK, //Move to door open position
  99. DORFW, //Move to door close position
  100. RETRY, //Retry during recoverable error
  101. STOP_, //Immediate stop and command abort
  102. PAUSE, //Immediate stop
  103. ABORT, //Command abort
  104. RESUM, //Resume operation
  105. }
  106. public class ErrorCode
  107. {
  108. private Dictionary<string, string> dict = new Dictionary<string, string>
  109. {
  110. {"02","Z-axis position: NG (Down)"},
  111. {"42","Z-axis position: NG (Up)"},
  112. {"04","Y-axis position: NG (Dock)"},
  113. {"44","Y-axis position: NG (Undock)"},
  114. {"07","Wafer protrusion"},
  115. {"47","Grass wafer protrusion (Option)"},
  116. {"08","Door forward/backward position: NG(Open)"},
  117. {"48","Door forward/backward position: NG(Close)"},
  118. {"F2","FOUP door close error."},
  119. {"09","Mapper arm position: NG (Open)"},
  120. {"49","Mapper arm position: NG (Close)"},
  121. {"11","Mapper stopper position: NG (On)"},
  122. {"51","Mapper stopper position: NG (Off)"},
  123. {"12","Mapping end position: NG"},
  124. {"61","FOUP clamp open error (Up)"},
  125. {"21","FOUP clamp open error (Back)"},
  126. {"62","FOUP clamp open error (Down)"},
  127. {"22","FOUP clamp close error (Front)"},
  128. {"63","FOUP clamp close error (Middle)"},
  129. {"23","Latch key open error"},
  130. {"24","Latch key close error"},
  131. {"25","Vacuum on error"},
  132. {"26","Vacuum off error"},
  133. {"27","Main air error "},
  134. {"A1","Normal position error at FOUP open"},
  135. {"A2","Normal position error at FOUP close"},
  136. {"A3","Mapper storage error when Z-axis lowered"},
  137. {"A4","Parallel signal error from upper machine"},
  138. {"FD","Interlock relay failure"},
  139. {"FE","Communication failure"},
  140. {"FF","Obstacle detection sensor failure"},
  141. {"FC","Fan operation error"},
  142. {"EE","Mapping mechanical(Adjustment) error"},
  143. {"EF","Mapping mechanical(Sensor) error"},
  144. {"F1","Door detection error during dock"},
  145. {"31","Door detection error except dock"},
  146. };
  147. public ErrorCode()
  148. {
  149. }
  150. public string Code2Msg(string code)
  151. {
  152. if (dict.ContainsKey(code))
  153. {
  154. return string.Format("Code:{0},Message:{1}", code, dict[code]);
  155. }
  156. return code;
  157. }
  158. }
  159. /*
  160. public enum LoadportCassetteState
  161. {
  162. None, //Load sensor/Position sensor: All OFF
  163. Normal, //Load sensor/Position sensor: All ON
  164. Absent, //Load sensor: ON, Position sensor: 1 or 2: ON
  165. Unknown,//Load sensor: ON, Position sensor: All OFF
  166. //or Load sensor: OFF, Except Position sensor: All OFF
  167. }
  168. public enum FoupDoorState
  169. {
  170. Open,
  171. Close,
  172. Unknown,
  173. }
  174. public enum FoupClampState
  175. {
  176. Open,
  177. Close,
  178. Unknown,
  179. }
  180. */
  181. }