using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using Caliburn.Micro; using MECF.Framework.Common.RecipeCenter; using OpenSEMI.ClientBase; using VirgoUI.Client.Models.Recipe; namespace VirgoUI.Client.Models.Operate.WaferAssociation { public class WaferAssociationViewModel : BaseModel { private WaferAssociationInfo _LP1; public WaferAssociationInfo LP1 { get { return _LP1; } set { _LP1 = value; } } private WaferAssociationInfo _LP2; public WaferAssociationInfo LP2 { get { return _LP2; } set { _LP2 = value; } } protected override void OnInitialize() { base.OnInitialize(); #region test data LP1 = new WaferAssociationInfo(); LP1.ModuleData = ModuleManager.ModuleInfos["LP1"]; LP2 = new WaferAssociationInfo(); LP2.ModuleData = ModuleManager.ModuleInfos["LP2"]; #endregion } #region functions #region Sequence operation public void SelectSequence(WaferAssociationInfo info) { SequenceDialogViewModel dialog = new SequenceDialogViewModel(); dialog.DisplayName = "Select Sequence"; dialog.Files = new ObservableCollection(RecipeSequenceTreeBuilder.GetFiles( RecipeClient.Instance.Service.GetSequenceNameList() )); WindowManager wm = new WindowManager(); bool? bret = wm.ShowDialog(dialog); if ((bool)bret) { info.SequenceName = dialog.DialogResult; } } public void SetSlot(WaferAssociationInfo info) { if (InputSlotCheck(info.SlotFrom, info.SlotTo)) AssociateSequence(info, true); } public void SkipSlot(WaferAssociationInfo info) { if (InputSlotCheck(info.SlotFrom, info.SlotTo)) AssociateSequence(info, false); } public void SetAll(WaferAssociationInfo info) { info.SlotFrom = 1; info.SlotTo = 25; AssociateSequence(info, true); } public void DeselectAll(WaferAssociationInfo info) { info.SlotFrom = 1; info.SlotTo = 25; AssociateSequence(info, false); } public void SetSequence(WaferAssociationInfo info, int slotIndex, string seqName) { bool flag = string.IsNullOrEmpty(seqName); AssociateSequence(info, flag, slotIndex - 1); } private bool InputSlotCheck(int from, int to) { if (from > to) { DialogBox.ShowInfo("This index of from slot should be large than the index of to slot."); return false; } if (from < 1 || to > 25) { DialogBox.ShowInfo("This input value for from should be between 1 and 25."); return false; } return true; } private void AssociateSequence(WaferAssociationInfo info, bool flag, int slot = -1) { List wafers = info.ModuleData.WaferManager.Wafers; if (slot >= 0) //by wafer { int index = wafers.Count - slot - 1; if (index < wafers.Count) { if (flag && HasWaferOnSlot(wafers, index)) wafers[index].SequenceName = info.SequenceName; else wafers[index].SequenceName = string.Empty; } } else //by from-to { for (int i = info.SlotFrom - 1; i < info.SlotTo; i++) { int index = wafers.Count - i - 1; if (index < wafers.Count) { if (flag && HasWaferOnSlot(wafers, index)) wafers[index].SequenceName = info.SequenceName; else wafers[index].SequenceName = string.Empty; } } } } private bool HasWaferOnSlot(List wafers, int index) { if (wafers[index].WaferStatus == 0) return false; return true; } #endregion #region Job operation private bool JobCheck(string jobID) { if (jobID.Length == 0) { DialogBox.ShowWarning("Please create job first."); return false; } else return true; } public void CreateJob(WaferAssociationInfo info) { List param = new List(); param.Add(info.ModuleData.ModuleID); info.ModuleData.WaferManager.Wafers.ForEach(key => { param.Add(key.SequenceName); }); param.Add(false); //auto start //WaferAssociationProvider.Instance.CreateJob(param.ToArray()); } public void AbortJob(string jobID) { if (JobCheck(jobID)) WaferAssociationProvider.Instance.AbortJob(jobID); } public void Start(string jobID) { if (JobCheck(jobID)) WaferAssociationProvider.Instance.Start(jobID); } public void Pause(string jobID) { if (JobCheck(jobID)) WaferAssociationProvider.Instance.Pause(jobID); } public void Resume(string jobID) { if (JobCheck(jobID)) WaferAssociationProvider.Instance.Resume(jobID); } public void Stop(string jobID) { if (JobCheck(jobID)) WaferAssociationProvider.Instance.Stop(jobID); } #endregion #endregion } }