using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Xml; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using Aitex.Core.RT.SCCore; using Aitex.Core.Util; using MECF.Framework.Common.IOCore; namespace MECF.Framework.RT.Core.IoProviders { public class IoProviderManager : Singleton { private List _providers = new List(); public List Providers => _providers; /// /// /// /// 配置文件名,绝对路径 /// 需要激活的IO Provider名字 public void Initialize(string xmlConfigFile, Dictionary> ioMappingPathFile) { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); try { xml.Load(xmlConfigFile); XmlNodeList nodeProviders = xml.SelectNodes("IoProviders/IoProvider"); foreach (var nodeProvider in nodeProviders) { XmlElement element = nodeProvider as XmlElement; if (element == null) continue; XmlElement nodeParameter = element.SelectSingleNode("Parameter") as XmlElement; if (nodeParameter == null) continue; string module = element.GetAttribute("module").Trim(); string name = element.GetAttribute("name").Trim(); string className = element.GetAttribute("class").Trim(); string assemblyName = element.GetAttribute("assembly").Trim(); string loadCondition = element.GetAttribute("load_condition").Trim(); bool isSimulator = SC.GetConfigItem("System.IsSimulatorMode").BoolValue; //0 : Simualtor, 1:real 2: both if (isSimulator && loadCondition!="0" && loadCondition != "2") { continue; } if (!isSimulator && loadCondition != "1" && loadCondition != "2") { continue; } string source = module + "." + name; Type t = Assembly.Load(assemblyName).GetType(className); if (t == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("ioProvider config file class and assembly not valid,"+ source)); } IIoProvider provider; try { provider = (IIoProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(t); _providers.Add(provider); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); throw new Exception(string.Format("ioProvider can not be created," + source)); } List lstBuffers = new List(); XmlNodeList nodeBlocks = element.SelectNodes("Blocks/Block"); foreach (var nodeBlock in nodeBlocks) { XmlElement blockElement = nodeBlock as XmlElement; if (blockElement == null) continue; IoBlockItem section = new IoBlockItem(); string type = blockElement.GetAttribute("type"); string offset = blockElement.GetAttribute("offset"); string size = blockElement.GetAttribute("size"); string value_type = blockElement.GetAttribute("value_type"); int result; if (!int.TryParse(offset, out result)) { continue; } section.Offset = result; if (!int.TryParse(size, out result)) { continue; } section.Size = result; switch (type.ToLower()) { case "ai": section.Type = IoType.AI; break; case "ao": section.Type = IoType.AO; break; case "di": section.Type = IoType.DI; break; case "do": section.Type = IoType.DO; break; default: continue; } lstBuffers.Add(section); } if (ioMappingPathFile.ContainsKey(source)) { provider.Initialize(module, name, lstBuffers, IoManager.Instance, nodeParameter, ioMappingPathFile[source]); } else { throw new Exception(string.Format("can not find io map config files," + source)); } provider.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("IoProvider configuration not valid," + ex.Message); } } /// /// /// /// 配置文件名,绝对路径 public void Initialize(string xmlConfigFile) { XmlDocument xml = new XmlDocument(); try { xml.Load(xmlConfigFile); XmlNodeList nodeProviders = xml.SelectNodes("IoProviders/IoProvider"); foreach (var nodeProvider in nodeProviders) { XmlElement element = nodeProvider as XmlElement; if (element == null) continue; XmlElement nodeParameter = element.SelectSingleNode("Parameter") as XmlElement; if (nodeParameter == null) continue; string module = element.GetAttribute("module").Trim(); string name = element.GetAttribute("name").Trim(); string className = element.GetAttribute("class").Trim(); string assemblyName = element.GetAttribute("assembly").Trim(); string loadCondition = element.GetAttribute("load_condition").Trim(); bool isSimulator = SC.GetConfigItem("System.IsSimulatorMode").BoolValue; //0 : Simualtor, 1:real 2: both if (isSimulator && loadCondition != "0" && loadCondition != "2") { continue; } if (!isSimulator && loadCondition != "1" && loadCondition != "2") { continue; } string source = module + "." + name; Type t = Assembly.Load(assemblyName).GetType(className); if (t == null) { throw new Exception(string.Format("ioProvider config file class and assembly not valid," + source)); } IIoProvider provider; try { provider = (IIoProvider)Activator.CreateInstance(t); _providers.Add(provider); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); throw new Exception(string.Format("ioProvider can not be created," + source)); } List lstBuffers = new List(); XmlNodeList nodeBlocks = element.SelectNodes("Blocks/Block"); foreach (var nodeBlock in nodeBlocks) { XmlElement blockElement = nodeBlock as XmlElement; if (blockElement == null) continue; IoBlockItem section = new IoBlockItem(); string type = blockElement.GetAttribute("type"); string offset = blockElement.GetAttribute("offset"); string size = blockElement.GetAttribute("size"); string value_type = blockElement.GetAttribute("value_type"); int result; if (!int.TryParse(offset, out result)) { continue; } section.Offset = result; if (!int.TryParse(size, out result)) { continue; } section.Size = result; switch (type.ToLower()) { case "ai": section.Type = IoType.AI; break; case "ao": section.Type = IoType.AO; break; case "di": section.Type = IoType.DI; break; case "do": section.Type = IoType.DO; break; default: continue; } lstBuffers.Add(section); } string mapModule = element.GetAttribute("map_module").Trim(); string mapFile = element.GetAttribute("map_file").Trim(); FileInfo file = new FileInfo(xmlConfigFile); string fullPathName = file.Directory.FullName + "\\" + mapFile; provider.Initialize(module, name, lstBuffers, IoManager.Instance, nodeParameter, fullPathName, mapModule); provider.Start(); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException("IoProvider configuration not valid," + ex.Message); } } public void Terminate() { try { foreach (var ioProvider in _providers) { ioProvider.Stop(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); } } public void Reset() { try { foreach (var ioProvider in _providers) { ioProvider.Reset(); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.Write(ex); } } } }