123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230 |
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Data;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
- using Aitex.Core.RT.DBCore;
- using Aitex.Core.RT.Event;
- using Aitex.Core.RT.Log;
- using Aitex.Core.UI.ControlDataContext;
- using Aitex.Core.Util;
- using Aitex.Triton160.Common;
- using Aitex.Triton160.RT.Routine.Process;
- namespace Aitex.Triton160.RT.Module
- {
- class DataLogManager : Singleton<DataLogManager>
- {
- /*
- * CREATE TABLE public."RecipeRunHistory"
- (
- "RecipeRunGuid" text NOT NULL,
- "SusceptorId" text,
- "ProcessBeginTime" timestamp without time zone,
- "ProcessEndTime" timestamp without time zone,
- "ProcessIn" text,
- "RecipeName" text,
- "SusceptorStatus" text,
- "UserDefinedId" text,
- "Description" text,
- "WafersOnSusceptor" text,
- CONSTRAINT "RecipeRunHistory_pkey" PRIMARY KEY ("RecipeRunGuid")
- )
- *
- */
- public List<string> GetHistoryRecipeList(DateTime begin, DateTime end)
- {
- List<string> result = new List<string>();
- string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM \"RecipeRunHistory\" where \"ProcessBeginTime\" >= '{0}' and \"ProcessBeginTime\" <= '{1}' order by \"ProcessBeginTime\" ASC;",
- begin.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), end.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff"));
- DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql);
- if (ds == null)
- return result;
- for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
- {
- string recipe = ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RecipeName"].ToString();
- if (!result.Contains(recipe))
- result.Add(recipe);
- }
- ds.Clear();
- return result;
- }
- public List<DataLogItem> GetHistoryDataLogList(DateTime from, DateTime to, string recipeName, string lotName)
- {
- List<DataLogItem> result = new List<DataLogItem>();
- try
- {
- string sql =
- string.Format(
- "SELECT * FROM \"RecipeRunHistory\" where \"ProcessBeginTime\" >= '{0}' and \"ProcessBeginTime\" <= '{1}' {2} {3} order by \"ProcessBeginTime\" ASC;",
- from.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff"), to.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.fff"),
- string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipeName) ? "" : string.Format(" and \"RecipeName\" = '{0}'", recipeName),
- string.IsNullOrEmpty(lotName) ? "" : string.Format(" and position('{0}' in \"SusceptorId\") >0" , lotName));
- DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql);
- if (ds == null)
- return result;
- for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
- {
- result.Add(new DataLogItem()
- {
- RecipeRunGuid =
- ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RecipeRunGuid"] is DBNull
- ? ""
- : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RecipeRunGuid"].ToString(),
- ProcessBeginTime =
- ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProcessBeginTime"] is DBNull
- ? ""
- : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProcessBeginTime"].ToString(),
- ProcessEndTime =
- ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProcessEndTime"] is DBNull
- ? ""
- : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["ProcessEndTime"].ToString(),
- RecipeName =
- ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RecipeName"] is DBNull
- ? ""
- : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["RecipeName"].ToString(),
- LotName =
- ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SusceptorId" +
- ""] is DBNull
- ? ""
- : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SusceptorId"].ToString(),
- DataLogName =
- ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserDefinedId"] is DBNull
- ? ""
- : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["UserDefinedId"].ToString(),
- RecipeResult =
- ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SusceptorStatus"] is DBNull
- ? ""
- : ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["SusceptorStatus"].ToString()
- });
- }
- ds.Clear();
- }catch( Exception ex)
- {
- LOG.Write(ex);
- }
- return result;
- }
- public List<HistoryDataItem> GetHistoryData(IEnumerable<string> keys, string recipeRunGuid)
- {
- List<HistoryDataItem> result = new List<HistoryDataItem>();
- try
- {
- string sql = string.Format("SELECT * FROM \"RecipeRunHistory\" where \"RecipeRunGuid\" = '{0}'",
- recipeRunGuid);
- DataSet ds = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql);
- if (ds == null)
- return result;
- if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
- return result;
- object from = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProcessBeginTime"];
- if (from is DBNull)
- {
- LOG.Write(string.Format("{0} not set start time", recipeRunGuid));
- return result;
- }
- DateTime begin = (DateTime) from;
- object to = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["ProcessEndTime"];
- if (to is DBNull)
- {
- to = new DateTime(begin.Year, begin.Month, begin.Day, 23, 59, 59, 999);
- }
- DateTime end = (DateTime) to;
- sql = "select time AS InternalTimeStamp";
- foreach (var dataId in keys)
- {
- sql += "," + string.Format("\"{0}\"", dataId);
- }
- sql += string.Format(" from \"{0}\" where time > {1} and time <= {2} order by time asc LIMIT 2000;",
- begin.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + "." + ModuleName.System, begin.Ticks, end.Ticks);
- DataSet dataSet = DB.ExecuteDataset(sql);
- if (dataSet == null)
- return result;
- if (dataSet.Tables.Count == 0 || dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)
- return result;
- DateTime dt = new DateTime();
- Dictionary<int, string> colName = new Dictionary<int, string>();
- for (int colNo = 0; colNo < dataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count; colNo++)
- colName.Add(colNo, dataSet.Tables[0].Columns[colNo].ColumnName);
- for (int rowNo = 0; rowNo < dataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count; rowNo++)
- {
- var row = dataSet.Tables[0].Rows[rowNo];
- for (int i = 0; i < dataSet.Tables[0].Columns.Count; i++)
- {
- HistoryDataItem data = new HistoryDataItem();
- if (i == 0)
- {
- long ticks = (long) row[i];
- dt = new DateTime(ticks);
- continue;
- }
- else
- {
- string dataId = colName[i];
- if (row[i] is DBNull || row[i] == null)
- {
- data.dateTime = dt;
- data.dbName = colName[i];
- data.value = 0;
- }
- else if (row[i] is bool)
- {
- data.dateTime = dt;
- data.dbName = colName[i];
- data.value = (bool) row[i] ? 1 : 0;
- }
- else
- {
- data.dateTime = dt;
- data.dbName = colName[i];
- data.value = float.Parse(row[i].ToString());
- }
- }
- result.Add(data);
- }
- }
- dataSet.Clear();
- }catch(Exception ex)
- {
- LOG.Write(ex);
- }
- return result;
- }
- }
- }