using Aitex.Core.RT.Event; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using MECF.Framework.Common.Communications; using MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace MECF.Framework.RT.EquipmentLibrary.HardwareUnits.Efems.Rorzes { public class RorzeEfemMessage : AsciiMessage { public ModuleName TargetModule { get; set; } public RorzeEfemMessageType MessageType { get; set; } public RorzeEfemBasicMessage BasicMessage { get; set; } public string Parameter { get; set; } public string NakFactor { get; set; } public bool WaitAck { get; set; } public bool WaitInf { get; set; } //ABS : Message* | ERROR / Parameter1 / Parameter2 ; //ERROR / Parameter1 / Parameter2 public string AbsError { get; set; } //CAN : Message* | Factor / Place ; //Factor / Place public string CanError { get; set; } } public class RorzeEfemConnection : FsmConnection { private string _cachedBuffer = string.Empty; private object _lockerHandler = new object(); private IConnectionContext _config; List _handlers = new List(); private Dictionary _eventHandler = new Dictionary(); public RorzeEfemConnection(IConnectionContext config) { _config = config; } public bool IsBusy(int mutexId) { lock (_lockerHandler) { foreach (var handlerBase in _handlers) { if (handlerBase.MutexId == mutexId) { return true; } } } return false; } public void AddEventHandler(RorzeEfemBasicMessage type, RorzeEfemHandler handler) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!_eventHandler.ContainsKey(type)); _eventHandler[type] = handler; } public void Initialize() { base.Initialize(100, new SocketClient(_config), _config); } protected override void OnConnect() { } protected override void OnDisconnect() { lock (_lockerHandler) { _cachedBuffer = string.Empty; _handlers.Clear(); } } protected override void OnConnectMonitor() { MonitorTimeout(); base.OnConnectMonitor(); } private HandlerBase MonitorTimeout() { HandlerBase result = null; lock (_lockerHandler) { foreach (var handlerBase in _handlers) { if (handlerBase.CheckTimeout()) { EV.PostWarningLog("System", $"execute {handlerBase.Name} timeout"); result = handlerBase; break; } } if (result != null) { _handlers.Remove(result); } } return result; } public bool Execute(HandlerBase handler, out string reason) { lock (_lockerHandler) { foreach (var handlerBase in _handlers) { if (handlerBase.MutexId == handler.MutexId && handler.MutexId!=-1) { reason = $"Can not execute {handler.Name} while execute {handlerBase.Name}"; return false; } } _handlers.Add(handler); handler.SetState(EnumHandlerState.Sent); if (_config.IsAscii) { InvokeSendData(handler.SendText); } else { InvokeSendData(handler.SendBinary); } } reason = string.Empty; return true; } public void Reset() { InvokeReset(); } protected override void OnReceiveData(string message) { _cachedBuffer += message; int enderIndex = _cachedBuffer.IndexOf(";\r"); while (enderIndex != -1) { if (enderIndex > 0) { ProceedResponse(_cachedBuffer.Substring(0, enderIndex)); } _cachedBuffer = _cachedBuffer.Remove(0, enderIndex + 2); enderIndex = _cachedBuffer.IndexOf(";\r"); } } private void AckInfo(string message) { if (message.StartsWith("INF:")) { InvokeSendData(message.Replace("INF:", "ACK:") + ";\r"); } else if (message.StartsWith("ABS:")) { InvokeSendData(message.Replace("ABS:", "ACK:") + ";\r"); } else if (message.StartsWith("NAK:")) { InvokeSendData(message.Replace("NAK:", "ACK:") + ";\r"); } else if (message.StartsWith("CAN:")) { InvokeSendData(message.Replace("CAN:", "ACK:") + ";\r"); } } protected void ProceedResponse(string rawMessage) { RorzeEfemMessage msg = new RorzeEfemMessage(); msg.RawMessage = rawMessage; if (rawMessage == "INF:READY/COMM") { _eventHandler[RorzeEfemBasicMessage.READY].HandleMessage(msg, out _); AckInfo(rawMessage); return; } string[] words = rawMessage.Split(new char[5] { ':', '/', '>', '|', ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); msg.MessagePart = words; if (!Enum.TryParse(words[0], out RorzeEfemMessageType type)) { LOG.Write($"{rawMessage} is not a valid EFEM message format"); return; } if (type == RorzeEfemMessageType.MOV || type == RorzeEfemMessageType.GET || type == RorzeEfemMessageType.SET) { LOG.Write($"{rawMessage} is not a valid EFEM message format, {type} is TO EFEM"); return; } msg.MessageType = type; msg.IsEvent = msg.MessageType == RorzeEfemMessageType.EVT; int messageIndex = msg.MessageType == RorzeEfemMessageType.NAK ? 2 : 1; if (words.Length <= messageIndex || !Enum.TryParse(words[messageIndex], out RorzeEfemBasicMessage basicMessage)) { LOG.Write($"{rawMessage} is not a valid EFEM message format"); return; } msg.BasicMessage = basicMessage; if (msg.MessageType == RorzeEfemMessageType.NAK) { msg.NakFactor = words[1]; msg.Parameter = rawMessage.Substring(rawMessage.IndexOf('/') + 1); } else if (msg.MessageType == RorzeEfemMessageType.CAN) { msg.CanError = rawMessage.Substring(rawMessage.IndexOf('|')); msg.Parameter = rawMessage.Substring(rawMessage.IndexOf('/') + 1, rawMessage.IndexOf('|') - rawMessage.IndexOf('/')); } else if (msg.MessageType == RorzeEfemMessageType.ABS) { msg.AbsError = rawMessage.Substring(rawMessage.IndexOf('|')); msg.Parameter = rawMessage.Substring(rawMessage.IndexOf('/') + 1, rawMessage.IndexOf('|') - rawMessage.IndexOf('/')); } else { msg.Parameter = rawMessage.Substring(rawMessage.IndexOf('/') + 1); } if (msg.IsEvent) { ProceedEvent(msg); return; } //Report of ERROR if (msg.MessageType == RorzeEfemMessageType.INF && words.Length>=2 && words[1].ToUpper() == "ERROR") { AckInfo(rawMessage); return; } ProceedMessage(msg); } private void ProceedMessage(RorzeEfemMessage msg) { lock (_lockerHandler) { HandlerBase handlerDone = null; bool matchMessage = false; foreach (var handler in _handlers) { matchMessage = handler.HandleMessage(msg, out bool completed); if (completed) { handlerDone = handler; AckInfo(msg.RawMessage); break; } if (matchMessage) break; } if (!matchMessage) { LOG.Write($"No handler for message, {msg.RawMessage}"); return; } _handlers.Remove(handlerDone); } } private void ProceedEvent(RorzeEfemMessage msg) { if (_eventHandler.ContainsKey(msg.BasicMessage)) { _eventHandler[msg.BasicMessage].HandleMessage(msg, out _); } else { LOG.Write($"No handler for event {msg.RawMessage}"); } } } }