Default.isl 19 KB

  1. ; *** Inno Setup version 6.0.3+ English messages ***
  2. ;
  3. ; To download user-contributed translations of this file, go to:
  4. ;
  5. ;
  6. ; Note: When translating this text, do not add periods (.) to the end of
  7. ; messages that didn't have them already, because on those messages Inno
  8. ; Setup adds the periods automatically (appending a period would result in
  9. ; two periods being displayed).
  10. [LangOptions]
  11. ; The following three entries are very important. Be sure to read and
  12. ; understand the '[LangOptions] section' topic in the help file.
  13. LanguageName=English
  14. LanguageID=$0409
  15. LanguageCodePage=0
  16. ; If the language you are translating to requires special font faces or
  17. ; sizes, uncomment any of the following entries and change them accordingly.
  18. ;DialogFontName=
  19. ;DialogFontSize=8
  20. ;WelcomeFontName=Verdana
  21. ;WelcomeFontSize=12
  22. ;TitleFontName=Arial
  23. ;TitleFontSize=29
  24. ;CopyrightFontName=Arial
  25. ;CopyrightFontSize=8
  26. [Messages]
  27. ; *** Application titles
  28. SetupAppTitle=Setup
  29. SetupWindowTitle=Setup - %1
  30. UninstallAppTitle=Uninstall
  31. UninstallAppFullTitle=%1 Uninstall
  32. ; *** Misc. common
  33. InformationTitle=Information
  34. ConfirmTitle=Confirm
  35. ErrorTitle=Error
  36. ; *** SetupLdr messages
  37. SetupLdrStartupMessage=This will install %1. Do you wish to continue?
  38. LdrCannotCreateTemp=Unable to create a temporary file. Setup aborted
  39. LdrCannotExecTemp=Unable to execute file in the temporary directory. Setup aborted
  40. HelpTextNote=
  41. ; *** Startup error messages
  42. LastErrorMessage=%1.%n%nError %2: %3
  43. SetupFileMissing=The file %1 is missing from the installation directory. Please correct the problem or obtain a new copy of the program.
  44. SetupFileCorrupt=The setup files are corrupted. Please obtain a new copy of the program.
  45. SetupFileCorruptOrWrongVer=The setup files are corrupted, or are incompatible with this version of Setup. Please correct the problem or obtain a new copy of the program.
  46. InvalidParameter=An invalid parameter was passed on the command line:%n%n%1
  47. SetupAlreadyRunning=Setup is already running.
  48. WindowsVersionNotSupported=This program does not support the version of Windows your computer is running.
  49. WindowsServicePackRequired=This program requires %1 Service Pack %2 or later.
  50. NotOnThisPlatform=This program will not run on %1.
  51. OnlyOnThisPlatform=This program must be run on %1.
  52. OnlyOnTheseArchitectures=This program can only be installed on versions of Windows designed for the following processor architectures:%n%n%1
  53. WinVersionTooLowError=This program requires %1 version %2 or later.
  54. WinVersionTooHighError=This program cannot be installed on %1 version %2 or later.
  55. AdminPrivilegesRequired=You must be logged in as an administrator when installing this program.
  56. PowerUserPrivilegesRequired=You must be logged in as an administrator or as a member of the Power Users group when installing this program.
  57. SetupAppRunningError=Setup has detected that %1 is currently running.%n%nPlease close all instances of it now, then click OK to continue, or Cancel to exit.
  58. UninstallAppRunningError=Uninstall has detected that %1 is currently running.%n%nPlease close all instances of it now, then click OK to continue, or Cancel to exit.
  59. ; *** Startup questions
  60. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideTitle=Select Setup Install Mode
  61. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideInstruction=Select install mode
  62. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideText1=%1 can be installed for all users (requires administrative privileges), or for you only.
  63. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideText2=%1 can be installed for you only, or for all users (requires administrative privileges).
  64. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideAllUsers=Install for &all users
  65. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideAllUsersRecommended=Install for &all users (recommended)
  66. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideCurrentUser=Install for &me only
  67. PrivilegesRequiredOverrideCurrentUserRecommended=Install for &me only (recommended)
  68. ; *** Misc. errors
  69. ErrorCreatingDir=Setup was unable to create the directory "%1"
  70. ErrorTooManyFilesInDir=Unable to create a file in the directory "%1" because it contains too many files
  71. ; *** Setup common messages
  72. ExitSetupTitle=Exit Setup
  73. ExitSetupMessage=Setup is not complete. If you exit now, the program will not be installed.%n%nYou may run Setup again at another time to complete the installation.%n%nExit Setup?
  74. AboutSetupMenuItem=&About Setup...
  75. AboutSetupTitle=About Setup
  76. AboutSetupMessage=%1 version %2%n%3%n%n%1 home page:%n%4
  77. AboutSetupNote=
  78. TranslatorNote=
  79. ; *** Buttons
  80. ButtonBack=< &Back
  81. ButtonNext=&Next >
  82. ButtonInstall=&Install
  83. ButtonOK=OK
  84. ButtonCancel=Cancel
  85. ButtonYes=&Yes
  86. ButtonYesToAll=Yes to &All
  87. ButtonNo=&No
  88. ButtonNoToAll=N&o to All
  89. ButtonFinish=&Finish
  90. ButtonBrowse=&Browse...
  91. ButtonWizardBrowse=B&rowse...
  92. ButtonNewFolder=&Make New Folder
  93. ; *** "Select Language" dialog messages
  94. SelectLanguageTitle=Select Setup Language
  95. SelectLanguageLabel=Select the language to use during the installation.
  96. ; *** Common wizard text
  97. ClickNext=Click Next to continue, or Cancel to exit Setup.
  98. BeveledLabel=
  99. BrowseDialogTitle=Browse For Folder
  100. BrowseDialogLabel=Select a folder in the list below, then click OK.
  101. NewFolderName=New Folder
  102. ; *** "Welcome" wizard page
  103. WelcomeLabel1=Welcome to the [name] Setup Wizard
  104. WelcomeLabel2=This will install [name/ver] on your computer.%n%nIt is recommended that you close all other applications before continuing.
  105. ; *** "Password" wizard page
  106. WizardPassword=Password
  107. PasswordLabel1=This installation is password protected.
  108. PasswordLabel3=Please provide the password, then click Next to continue. Passwords are case-sensitive.
  109. PasswordEditLabel=&Password:
  110. IncorrectPassword=The password you entered is not correct. Please try again.
  111. ; *** "License Agreement" wizard page
  112. WizardLicense=License Agreement
  113. LicenseLabel=Please read the following important information before continuing.
  114. LicenseLabel3=Please read the following License Agreement. You must accept the terms of this agreement before continuing with the installation.
  115. LicenseAccepted=I &accept the agreement
  116. LicenseNotAccepted=I &do not accept the agreement
  117. ; *** "Information" wizard pages
  118. WizardInfoBefore=Information
  119. InfoBeforeLabel=Please read the following important information before continuing.
  120. InfoBeforeClickLabel=When you are ready to continue with Setup, click Next.
  121. WizardInfoAfter=Information
  122. InfoAfterLabel=Please read the following important information before continuing.
  123. InfoAfterClickLabel=When you are ready to continue with Setup, click Next.
  124. ; *** "User Information" wizard page
  125. WizardUserInfo=User Information
  126. UserInfoDesc=Please enter your information.
  127. UserInfoName=&User Name:
  128. UserInfoOrg=&Organization:
  129. UserInfoSerial=&Serial Number:
  130. UserInfoNameRequired=You must enter a name.
  131. ; *** "Select Destination Location" wizard page
  132. WizardSelectDir=Select Destination Location
  133. SelectDirDesc=Where should [name] be installed?
  134. SelectDirLabel3=Setup will install [name] into the following folder.
  135. SelectDirBrowseLabel=To continue, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.
  136. DiskSpaceGBLabel=At least [gb] GB of free disk space is required.
  137. DiskSpaceMBLabel=At least [mb] MB of free disk space is required.
  138. CannotInstallToNetworkDrive=Setup cannot install to a network drive.
  139. CannotInstallToUNCPath=Setup cannot install to a UNC path.
  140. InvalidPath=You must enter a full path with drive letter; for example:%n%nC:\APP%n%nor a UNC path in the form:%n%n\\server\share
  141. InvalidDrive=The drive or UNC share you selected does not exist or is not accessible. Please select another.
  142. DiskSpaceWarningTitle=Not Enough Disk Space
  143. DiskSpaceWarning=Setup requires at least %1 KB of free space to install, but the selected drive only has %2 KB available.%n%nDo you want to continue anyway?
  144. DirNameTooLong=The folder name or path is too long.
  145. InvalidDirName=The folder name is not valid.
  146. BadDirName32=Folder names cannot include any of the following characters:%n%n%1
  147. DirExistsTitle=Folder Exists
  148. DirExists=The folder:%n%n%1%n%nalready exists. Would you like to install to that folder anyway?
  149. DirDoesntExistTitle=Folder Does Not Exist
  150. DirDoesntExist=The folder:%n%n%1%n%ndoes not exist. Would you like the folder to be created?
  151. ; *** "Select Components" wizard page
  152. WizardSelectComponents=Select Components
  153. SelectComponentsDesc=Which components should be installed?
  154. SelectComponentsLabel2=Select the components you want to install; clear the components you do not want to install. Click Next when you are ready to continue.
  155. FullInstallation=Full installation
  156. ; if possible don't translate 'Compact' as 'Minimal' (I mean 'Minimal' in your language)
  157. CompactInstallation=Compact installation
  158. CustomInstallation=Custom installation
  159. NoUninstallWarningTitle=Components Exist
  160. NoUninstallWarning=Setup has detected that the following components are already installed on your computer:%n%n%1%n%nDeselecting these components will not uninstall them.%n%nWould you like to continue anyway?
  161. ComponentSize1=%1 KB
  162. ComponentSize2=%1 MB
  163. ComponentsDiskSpaceGBLabel=Current selection requires at least [gb] GB of disk space.
  164. ComponentsDiskSpaceMBLabel=Current selection requires at least [mb] MB of disk space.
  165. ; *** "Select Additional Tasks" wizard page
  166. WizardSelectTasks=Select Additional Tasks
  167. SelectTasksDesc=Which additional tasks should be performed?
  168. SelectTasksLabel2=Select the additional tasks you would like Setup to perform while installing [name], then click Next.
  169. ; *** "Select Start Menu Folder" wizard page
  170. WizardSelectProgramGroup=Select Start Menu Folder
  171. SelectStartMenuFolderDesc=Where should Setup place the program's shortcuts?
  172. SelectStartMenuFolderLabel3=Setup will create the program's shortcuts in the following Start Menu folder.
  173. SelectStartMenuFolderBrowseLabel=To continue, click Next. If you would like to select a different folder, click Browse.
  174. MustEnterGroupName=You must enter a folder name.
  175. GroupNameTooLong=The folder name or path is too long.
  176. InvalidGroupName=The folder name is not valid.
  177. BadGroupName=The folder name cannot include any of the following characters:%n%n%1
  178. NoProgramGroupCheck2=&Don't create a Start Menu folder
  179. ; *** "Ready to Install" wizard page
  180. WizardReady=Ready to Install
  181. ReadyLabel1=Setup is now ready to begin installing [name] on your computer.
  182. ReadyLabel2a=Click Install to continue with the installation, or click Back if you want to review or change any settings.
  183. ReadyLabel2b=Click Install to continue with the installation.
  184. ReadyMemoUserInfo=User information:
  185. ReadyMemoDir=Destination location:
  186. ReadyMemoType=Setup type:
  187. ReadyMemoComponents=Selected components:
  188. ReadyMemoGroup=Start Menu folder:
  189. ReadyMemoTasks=Additional tasks:
  190. ; *** "Preparing to Install" wizard page
  191. WizardPreparing=Preparing to Install
  192. PreparingDesc=Setup is preparing to install [name] on your computer.
  193. PreviousInstallNotCompleted=The installation/removal of a previous program was not completed. You will need to restart your computer to complete that installation.%n%nAfter restarting your computer, run Setup again to complete the installation of [name].
  194. CannotContinue=Setup cannot continue. Please click Cancel to exit.
  195. ApplicationsFound=The following applications are using files that need to be updated by Setup. It is recommended that you allow Setup to automatically close these applications.
  196. ApplicationsFound2=The following applications are using files that need to be updated by Setup. It is recommended that you allow Setup to automatically close these applications. After the installation has completed, Setup will attempt to restart the applications.
  197. CloseApplications=&Automatically close the applications
  198. DontCloseApplications=&Do not close the applications
  199. ErrorCloseApplications=Setup was unable to automatically close all applications. It is recommended that you close all applications using files that need to be updated by Setup before continuing.
  200. PrepareToInstallNeedsRestart=Setup must restart your computer. After restarting your computer, run Setup again to complete the installation of [name].%n%nWould you like to restart now?
  201. ; *** "Installing" wizard page
  202. WizardInstalling=Installing
  203. InstallingLabel=Please wait while Setup installs [name] on your computer.
  204. ; *** "Setup Completed" wizard page
  205. FinishedHeadingLabel=Completing the [name] Setup Wizard
  206. FinishedLabelNoIcons=Setup has finished installing [name] on your computer.
  207. FinishedLabel=Setup has finished installing [name] on your computer. The application may be launched by selecting the installed shortcuts.
  208. ClickFinish=Click Finish to exit Setup.
  209. FinishedRestartLabel=To complete the installation of [name], Setup must restart your computer. Would you like to restart now?
  210. FinishedRestartMessage=To complete the installation of [name], Setup must restart your computer.%n%nWould you like to restart now?
  211. ShowReadmeCheck=Yes, I would like to view the README file
  212. YesRadio=&Yes, restart the computer now
  213. NoRadio=&No, I will restart the computer later
  214. ; used for example as 'Run MyProg.exe'
  215. RunEntryExec=Run %1
  216. ; used for example as 'View Readme.txt'
  217. RunEntryShellExec=View %1
  218. ; *** "Setup Needs the Next Disk" stuff
  219. ChangeDiskTitle=Setup Needs the Next Disk
  220. SelectDiskLabel2=Please insert Disk %1 and click OK.%n%nIf the files on this disk can be found in a folder other than the one displayed below, enter the correct path or click Browse.
  221. PathLabel=&Path:
  222. FileNotInDir2=The file "%1" could not be located in "%2". Please insert the correct disk or select another folder.
  223. SelectDirectoryLabel=Please specify the location of the next disk.
  224. ; *** Installation phase messages
  225. SetupAborted=Setup was not completed.%n%nPlease correct the problem and run Setup again.
  226. AbortRetryIgnoreSelectAction=Select action
  227. AbortRetryIgnoreRetry=&Try again
  228. AbortRetryIgnoreIgnore=&Ignore the error and continue
  229. AbortRetryIgnoreCancel=Cancel installation
  230. ; *** Installation status messages
  231. StatusClosingApplications=Closing applications...
  232. StatusCreateDirs=Creating directories...
  233. StatusExtractFiles=Extracting files...
  234. StatusCreateIcons=Creating shortcuts...
  235. StatusCreateIniEntries=Creating INI entries...
  236. StatusCreateRegistryEntries=Creating registry entries...
  237. StatusRegisterFiles=Registering files...
  238. StatusSavingUninstall=Saving uninstall information...
  239. StatusRunProgram=Finishing installation...
  240. StatusRestartingApplications=Restarting applications...
  241. StatusRollback=Rolling back changes...
  242. ; *** Misc. errors
  243. ErrorInternal2=Internal error: %1
  244. ErrorFunctionFailedNoCode=%1 failed
  245. ErrorFunctionFailed=%1 failed; code %2
  246. ErrorFunctionFailedWithMessage=%1 failed; code %2.%n%3
  247. ErrorExecutingProgram=Unable to execute file:%n%1
  248. ; *** Registry errors
  249. ErrorRegOpenKey=Error opening registry key:%n%1\%2
  250. ErrorRegCreateKey=Error creating registry key:%n%1\%2
  251. ErrorRegWriteKey=Error writing to registry key:%n%1\%2
  252. ; *** INI errors
  253. ErrorIniEntry=Error creating INI entry in file "%1".
  254. ; *** File copying errors
  255. FileAbortRetryIgnoreSkipNotRecommended=&Skip this file (not recommended)
  256. FileAbortRetryIgnoreIgnoreNotRecommended=&Ignore the error and continue (not recommended)
  257. SourceIsCorrupted=The source file is corrupted
  258. SourceDoesntExist=The source file "%1" does not exist
  259. ExistingFileReadOnly2=The existing file could not be replaced because it is marked read-only.
  260. ExistingFileReadOnlyRetry=&Remove the read-only attribute and try again
  261. ExistingFileReadOnlyKeepExisting=&Keep the existing file
  262. ErrorReadingExistingDest=An error occurred while trying to read the existing file:
  263. FileExists=The file already exists.%n%nWould you like Setup to overwrite it?
  264. ExistingFileNewer=The existing file is newer than the one Setup is trying to install. It is recommended that you keep the existing file.%n%nDo you want to keep the existing file?
  265. ErrorChangingAttr=An error occurred while trying to change the attributes of the existing file:
  266. ErrorCreatingTemp=An error occurred while trying to create a file in the destination directory:
  267. ErrorReadingSource=An error occurred while trying to read the source file:
  268. ErrorCopying=An error occurred while trying to copy a file:
  269. ErrorReplacingExistingFile=An error occurred while trying to replace the existing file:
  270. ErrorRestartReplace=RestartReplace failed:
  271. ErrorRenamingTemp=An error occurred while trying to rename a file in the destination directory:
  272. ErrorRegisterServer=Unable to register the DLL/OCX: %1
  273. ErrorRegSvr32Failed=RegSvr32 failed with exit code %1
  274. ErrorRegisterTypeLib=Unable to register the type library: %1
  275. ; *** Uninstall display name markings
  276. ; used for example as 'My Program (32-bit)'
  277. UninstallDisplayNameMark=%1 (%2)
  278. ; used for example as 'My Program (32-bit, All users)'
  279. UninstallDisplayNameMarks=%1 (%2, %3)
  280. UninstallDisplayNameMark32Bit=32-bit
  281. UninstallDisplayNameMark64Bit=64-bit
  282. UninstallDisplayNameMarkAllUsers=All users
  283. UninstallDisplayNameMarkCurrentUser=Current user
  284. ; *** Post-installation errors
  285. ErrorOpeningReadme=An error occurred while trying to open the README file.
  286. ErrorRestartingComputer=Setup was unable to restart the computer. Please do this manually.
  287. ; *** Uninstaller messages
  288. UninstallNotFound=File "%1" does not exist. Cannot uninstall.
  289. UninstallOpenError=File "%1" could not be opened. Cannot uninstall
  290. UninstallUnsupportedVer=The uninstall log file "%1" is in a format not recognized by this version of the uninstaller. Cannot uninstall
  291. UninstallUnknownEntry=An unknown entry (%1) was encountered in the uninstall log
  292. ConfirmUninstall=Are you sure you want to completely remove %1 and all of its components?
  293. UninstallOnlyOnWin64=This installation can only be uninstalled on 64-bit Windows.
  294. OnlyAdminCanUninstall=This installation can only be uninstalled by a user with administrative privileges.
  295. UninstallStatusLabel=Please wait while %1 is removed from your computer.
  296. UninstalledAll=%1 was successfully removed from your computer.
  297. UninstalledMost=%1 uninstall complete.%n%nSome elements could not be removed. These can be removed manually.
  298. UninstalledAndNeedsRestart=To complete the uninstallation of %1, your computer must be restarted.%n%nWould you like to restart now?
  299. UninstallDataCorrupted="%1" file is corrupted. Cannot uninstall
  300. ; *** Uninstallation phase messages
  301. ConfirmDeleteSharedFileTitle=Remove Shared File?
  302. ConfirmDeleteSharedFile2=The system indicates that the following shared file is no longer in use by any programs. Would you like for Uninstall to remove this shared file?%n%nIf any programs are still using this file and it is removed, those programs may not function properly. If you are unsure, choose No. Leaving the file on your system will not cause any harm.
  303. SharedFileNameLabel=File name:
  304. SharedFileLocationLabel=Location:
  305. WizardUninstalling=Uninstall Status
  306. StatusUninstalling=Uninstalling %1...
  307. ; *** Shutdown block reasons
  308. ShutdownBlockReasonInstallingApp=Installing %1.
  309. ShutdownBlockReasonUninstallingApp=Uninstalling %1.
  310. ; The custom messages below aren't used by Setup itself, but if you make
  311. ; use of them in your scripts, you'll want to translate them.
  312. [CustomMessages]
  313. NameAndVersion=%1 version %2
  314. AdditionalIcons=Additional shortcuts:
  315. CreateDesktopIcon=Create a &desktop shortcut
  316. CreateQuickLaunchIcon=Create a &Quick Launch shortcut
  317. ProgramOnTheWeb=%1 on the Web
  318. UninstallProgram=Uninstall %1
  319. LaunchProgram=Launch %1
  320. AssocFileExtension=&Associate %1 with the %2 file extension
  321. AssocingFileExtension=Associating %1 with the %2 file extension...
  322. AutoStartProgramGroupDescription=Startup:
  323. AutoStartProgram=Automatically start %1
  324. AddonHostProgramNotFound=%1 could not be located in the folder you selected.%n%nDo you want to continue anyway?