using Aitex.Core.RT.DataCenter; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace MECF.Framework.Simulator.Core.Driver { public class DeviceSimulator { public event Action MessageIn; public event Action MessageOut; public event Action ErrorOccur; public virtual bool IsEnabled { get { return false; } } public virtual bool IsConnected { get { return false; } } protected SortedList> commandList = new SortedList>(); protected string _lineDelimiter; protected char _msgDelimiter; protected int _commandIndex; public DeviceSimulator(int commandIndex, string lindDelimiter, char msgDelimiter) { _lineDelimiter = lindDelimiter; _msgDelimiter = msgDelimiter; _commandIndex = commandIndex; } protected virtual void AddCommandHandler(string command, Action handler) { commandList.Add(command, handler); } protected virtual void ProcessUnsplitMessage(string message) { } protected virtual void ProcessUnsplitMessage(byte[] data) { } protected virtual void OnErrorMessage(string message) { if (ErrorOccur != null) { ErrorOccur(message); } } protected void OnReadMessage(byte[] data) { if(MessageIn!=null) { MessageIn(string.Join(" ", Array.ConvertAll(data, x => x.ToString("X2")))); } if(_commandIndex<0) { ProcessUnsplitMessage(data); return; } } protected void OnReadMessage(string message) { //if (message.Contains("FETCH")) //{ //} if (MessageIn != null) { MessageIn(message); } if (_commandIndex < 0) { ProcessUnsplitMessage(message); return; } if (_msgDelimiter.Equals(' ')) { string cmd = message.Substring(_commandIndex, 4); if (cmd.Contains(_msgDelimiter)) cmd = cmd.Substring(0, cmd.IndexOf(_msgDelimiter)); if (!commandList.ContainsKey(cmd)) { CommandNotRecognized(message); } else { //Log.WriteIfEnabled( LogCategory.Debug, source, DeviceId + ":ProcessMessages: '" + msg.Message ); var handler = commandList[cmd]; if (handler == null) { //Log.WriteIfEnabled( LogCategory.Error, source, DeviceId + ":ProcessMessages: CANNOT FIND MESSAGE HANDLER '" + msg.Message ); } else { if (!message.Contains("stat_pdo") && !message.Contains("statfx")) { //Log.WriteIfEnabled(LogCategory.Debug, source, "Received command " + message); } handler(message); } } } else { string[] msgComponents = message.Split(_msgDelimiter); int index = msgComponents[0] == "$$$" ? 1 : _commandIndex; if (msgComponents.Length <= index) { CommandNotRecognized(message); return; } // find the message handler in the dictionary string cmd = msgComponents[index]; if (!commandList.ContainsKey(cmd)) { CommandNotRecognized(message); } else { //Log.WriteIfEnabled( LogCategory.Debug, source, DeviceId + ":ProcessMessages: '" + msg.Message ); var handler = commandList[cmd]; if (handler == null) { //Log.WriteIfEnabled( LogCategory.Error, source, DeviceId + ":ProcessMessages: CANNOT FIND MESSAGE HANDLER '" + msg.Message ); } else { if (!message.Contains("stat_pdo") && !message.Contains("statfx")) { //Log.WriteIfEnabled(LogCategory.Debug, source, "Received command " + message); } handler(message); } } } } protected virtual void CommandNotRecognized(string msg) { if (commandList.ContainsKey("Unknown") && commandList["Unknown"] != null) { commandList["Unknown"](msg); } else { ProcessWriteMessage("_ERR Unrecognized command"); } } protected void OnWriteMessage(string msg) { if (MessageOut != null) MessageOut(msg); ProcessWriteMessage(msg); } protected void OnWriteMessage(byte[] bytes) { if (MessageOut != null) { MessageOut(string.Join(" ", Array.ConvertAll(bytes, x => x.ToString("X2")))); } ProcessWriteMessage(bytes); } protected virtual void ProcessWriteMessage(string msg) { } protected virtual void ProcessWriteMessage(byte[] bytes) { } } }