using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using Aitex.Core.RT.Event; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using Aitex.Core.Util; using Microsoft.Win32; namespace Aitex.Core.RT.Key { public class KeyManager : Singleton { public const string KeyTag = "Jet"; public const string RegistryKey = "SOFTWARE\\Jet\\Keys"; public string LocalMachineCode { get; private set; } public bool IsExpired { get { return false;//ExpireDateTime < CurrentDateTime; } } public int LeftDays { get { if (IsExpired) return 0; return (ExpireDateTime - CurrentDateTime).Days; } } public DateTime CurrentDateTime { get { return DateTime.Now; } } public DateTime ExpireDateTime { get { return LastRegisterDateTime + new TimeSpan(LastRegisterDays, 0, 0, 0); } } public DateTime LastRegisterDateTime { get; set; } public int LastRegisterDays { get; set; } private PeriodicJob _thread; Dictionary _historyKeys = new Dictionary(); object _locker = new object(); DeviceTimer _timer0Days = new DeviceTimer(); R_TRIG _trig0Days = new R_TRIG(); DeviceTimer _timer3Days = new DeviceTimer(); R_TRIG _trig3Days = new R_TRIG(); DeviceTimer _timer7Days = new DeviceTimer(); R_TRIG _trig7Days = new R_TRIG(); DeviceTimer _timer15Days = new DeviceTimer(); R_TRIG _trig15Days = new R_TRIG(); public void Initialize() { LocalMachineCode = new MachineCoder().CreateCode(); UpdateLicenseInformation(); _thread = new PeriodicJob(1000, OnTimer, "Register Key Thread", true); } void UpdateLicenseInformation() { try { RegistryKey regRoot = Registry.CurrentUser; RegistryKey regKeys = regRoot.OpenSubKey(RegistryKey, true); if (regKeys == null) { regKeys = regRoot.CreateSubKey(RegistryKey); } if (regKeys == null) { throw new ApplicationException("注册表操作失败,无法进行软件授权操作。\r\n请确保用管理员权限运行程序。"); } foreach (var date in regKeys.GetSubKeyNames()) { RegistryKey sub = regKeys.OpenSubKey(date); _historyKeys.Add(date, (string)sub.GetValue("Key")); } if (_historyKeys.Count == 0) { string reason; if (!Register(7, "---", out reason)) throw new ApplicationException(reason); } else { List date = _historyKeys.Keys.ToList(); date.Sort(); string last = date.Last(); RegistryKey sub = regKeys.OpenSubKey(last); LastRegisterDateTime = new DateTime(int.Parse(last.Substring(0,4)),int.Parse(last.Substring(4,2)),int.Parse(last.Substring(6,2)), int.Parse(last.Substring(8,2)),int.Parse(last.Substring(10,2)),int.Parse(last.Substring(12,2))); LastRegisterDays = int.Parse(sub.GetValue("Days").ToString()); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ApplicationException(ex.Message); } } bool OnTimer() { try { _trig0Days.CLK = IsExpired; _trig3Days.CLK = LeftDays <= 3 && !IsExpired; _trig7Days.CLK = LeftDays <= 7 && LeftDays > 3; _trig15Days.CLK = LeftDays <= 15 && LeftDays > 7; if (_trig0Days.M) //到期之后,每1个小时提醒一次,预警形式 { if (_trig0Days.Q) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Software expired at {0} ", ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer0Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 1); } if (_timer0Days.IsTimeout()) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Software expired at {0} ", ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer0Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 1); } } if (_trig3Days.M) //3天内到期,每3个小时提醒一次,预警形式 { if (_trig3Days.Q) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Software will be expired in {0} days, at {1} ", LeftDays,ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer3Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 3); } if (_timer3Days.IsTimeout()) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Software will be expired in {0} days, at {1}", LeftDays,ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer3Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 3); } } if (_trig7Days.M)//7天内到期,每8个小时提醒一次,预警形式 { if (_trig7Days.Q) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Software will be expired in {0} days, at {1} ", LeftDays,ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer7Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 8); } if (_timer7Days.IsTimeout()) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.DefaultWarning, string.Format("Software will be expired in {0} days, at {1}", LeftDays,ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer7Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 8); } } if (_trig15Days.M)//15天内到期,每8个小时提醒一次,信息形式 { if (_trig15Days.Q) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.GeneralInfo, string.Format("Software will be expired in {0} days, at {1} ", LeftDays,ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer15Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 8); } if (_timer15Days.IsTimeout()) { EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.GeneralInfo, string.Format("Software will be expired in {0} days, at {1}", LeftDays,ExpireDateTime.ToString())); _timer15Days.Start(1000 * 60 * 60 * 8); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); } return true; } bool Register(int days, string key, out string reason) { try { if (_historyKeys.ContainsValue(key)) { reason = "注册码已经使用," + key; //LOG.Write(reason); return false; } if (days < 0) { reason = "授权天数无效," + days; //LOG.Write(reason); return false; } RegistryKey regRoot = Registry.CurrentUser; RegistryKey regKeys = regRoot.OpenSubKey(RegistryKey, true); if (regKeys == null) { regKeys = regRoot.CreateSubKey(RegistryKey); } if (regKeys == null) { reason = "注册表操作失败,无法进行软件授权操作。\r\n请确保用管理员权限运行程序。"; //LOG.Write(reason); return false; } DateTime now = CurrentDateTime; string itemName = now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); RegistryKey rkItem = regKeys.CreateSubKey(itemName); rkItem.SetValue("Date", itemName); rkItem.SetValue("Key", key); rkItem.SetValue("Days", days.ToString()); regKeys.Close(); _historyKeys.Add(itemName, key); LastRegisterDateTime = now; LastRegisterDays = days; } catch (Exception ex) { reason = "注册码无效," + ex; //LOG.Write(reason); return false; } reason = "注册成功"; return true; } public bool Register(string key, out string reason) { reason = string.Empty; RsaCryption rsa = new RsaCryption(); string decry = string.Empty; try { decry = rsa.RSADecrypt(JetKey.PrivateKey, key); } catch (Exception ex) { reason = "注册码无效"; LOG.WriteExeption(ex); return false; } string[] text = decry.Split(','); int days = 0; if (text.Length ==3 && text[0]==KeyTag && text[1]==LocalMachineCode && int.TryParse(text[2], out days)) { return Register(days, key, out reason); } //LOG.Error("注册码无效," + decry); reason = "注册码无效"; return false; } } }