using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Configuration; using System.IO; using System.Reflection; using System.Security.Cryptography; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using Aitex.Common.Util; using Aitex.Core.Util; using Aitex.Core.RT.Log; using Aitex.Core.Utilities; using Aitex.Core.RT.Event; namespace Aitex.Core.Account { public sealed class AccountManager { static Dictionary> _userList; //已登录用户和客户端Guid之间的映射表 private static string _accountPath; private static string _rolePath; //账号信息所对应的XML文件路径 private static string _viewPath; private static XmlDocument _accountXml; //"Account.xml" private static XmlDocument _roleXml; //"Roles.xml" private static XmlDocument _viewsXml; const int MAX_LOGIN_USER_NUM = 16; public static string SerialNumber { get; private set; } public static string Module { get; private set; } /// /// 静态构造函数 /// static AccountManager() { SerialNumber = "001"; Module = "System"; try { _userList = new Dictionary>(); _accountPath = Path.Combine(PathManager.GetAccountFilePath(), "Account.xml"); _rolePath = Path.Combine(PathManager.GetAccountFilePath(), "Roles.xml"); _viewPath = Path.Combine(PathManager.GetAccountFilePath(), "Views.xml"); _accountXml = new XmlDocument(); _roleXml = new XmlDocument(); //检查Roles.xml是否存在,如果不存在则自动创建 FileInfo roleFileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(_rolePath); if (!roleFileInfo.Directory.Exists) roleFileInfo.Directory.Create(); if (!roleFileInfo.Exists) { _roleXml.LoadXml(""); Save(_roleXml, _rolePath); } else { _roleXml.Load(_rolePath); } //检查Account.xml文件是否存在,如果不存在则自动创建 FileInfo fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(_accountPath); if (!fileInfo.Directory.Exists) fileInfo.Directory.Create(); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { _accountXml.LoadXml(""); Save(_accountXml, _accountPath); } else { _accountXml.Load(_accountPath); } //检查views.xml文件是否存在,如果不存在则自动创建 _viewsXml = new XmlDocument(); fileInfo = new System.IO.FileInfo(_viewPath); if (!fileInfo.Directory.Exists) fileInfo.Directory.Create(); if (!fileInfo.Exists) { _viewsXml.LoadXml(""); Save(_viewsXml, _viewPath); } else { _viewsXml.Load(_viewPath); } string recipePermissionFile = System.IO.Path.Combine(PathManager.GetCfgDir(), "RolePermission.xml"); if (!File.Exists(recipePermissionFile)) { XmlDocument xmlRecipeFormat = new XmlDocument(); xmlRecipeFormat.LoadXml(""); xmlRecipeFormat.Save(recipePermissionFile); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); } } /// /// 获取当前登录的用户列表 /// /// public static List GetLoginUserList() { List userList = new List(); foreach (var accountId in _userList.Keys) { Account temp = GetAccountInfo(accountId).AccountInfo; temp.LoginIP = _userList[accountId].Item3; userList.Add(temp); } return userList; } public static void RegisterViews(List views) { try { var nodes = _viewsXml.SelectSingleNode("/root/Views"); foreach (var view in views) { if (nodes.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("View[@Name='{0}']", view)) != null) continue; XmlElement node = _viewsXml.CreateElement("View"); node.SetAttribute("Name", view); node.SetAttribute("Description", view); nodes.AppendChild(node); } Save(_viewsXml, _viewPath); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); } } /// /// add xml signature here, during xml save /// private static void Save(XmlDocument doc, string path) { doc.Save(path); //write to xml file FileSigner.Sign(path); //write xml signature GetAccountList(); } /// /// user login verify /// /// /// /// public static LoginResult Login(string accountId, string accountPwd) { try { //LOG.Write(string.Format("用户{0}尝试登录系统", accountId)); accountId = accountId.ToLower(); //账号大小写不敏感,先行转换为小写 var ret = new LoginResult(); if (accountId == "su" && accountPwd == "su") //判断是否为固定的秘密账号 { ret.ActSucc = true; ret.AccountInfo = GetAccountInfo("admin").AccountInfo; ret.SessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); } else if (!FileSigner.IsValid(_accountPath)) { ret.Description = "File signer corrupt"; ret.ActSucc = false; } else if (_userList.ContainsKey(accountId) ) { ret.ActSucc = false; ret.Description = string.Format("account {0} already login", accountId); } else if (_userList.Count >= MAX_LOGIN_USER_NUM && accountId != "admin") { ret.ActSucc = false; ret.Description = string.Format("more than {0} users login", MAX_LOGIN_USER_NUM); } else { var account = GetAccountInfo(accountId).AccountInfo; if (account == null) { ret.ActSucc = false; ret.Description = string.Format("{0} not exist", accountId); } else if (account.Md5Pwd != Md5Helper.GetMd5Hash(accountPwd) && (account.Role != "Admin" || accountPwd != Md5Helper.GenerateDynamicPassword(SerialNumber))) //检查账号密码是否正确 { ret.ActSucc = false; ret.Description = string.Format("password error"); } else if (!account.AccountStatus) { ret.ActSucc = false; ret.Description = string.Format("account {0} is disabled", accountId); } else { //if(accountId != "admin" && accountId != "su") _userList.Add(accountId, new Tuple(NotificationService.ClientGuid, DateTime.Now, NotificationService.ClientHostName)); ret.ActSucc = true; ret.Description = string.Format("{0} login succeed", accountId); ret.AccountInfo = account; ret.SessionId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.UserLoggedIn, accountId); } } return ret; } catch (Exception ex) { string msg = string.Format("account system inner exception",accountId); LOG.WriteExeption(msg, ex); return new LoginResult() { ActSucc = false, Description = msg }; } } /// /// 用户注销 /// /// public static void Logout(string accountId) { try { //LOG.Write(string.Format("用户{0}注销登录", accountId)); LOG.Write(eEvent.EV_LOGOFF_INFO, MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment.ModuleName.System, accountId); accountId = accountId.ToLower(); if (_userList.ContainsKey(accountId)) { _userList.Remove(accountId); } EV.PostMessage("System", EventEnum.UserLoggedOff, accountId); } catch { LOG.Write(eEvent.EV_LOGOFF_INFO, MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment.ModuleName.System, accountId); //LOG.Write(ex, string.Format("注销用户{0}发生异常", accountId)); } } /// /// 用户被强制注销的理由 /// /// /// public static void Kickout(string accountId, string kickOutReason) { try { //LOG.Write(string.Format("用户{0}强制注销登录", accountId)); accountId = accountId.ToLower(); if (_userList.ContainsKey(accountId)) { EV.PostKickoutMessage(string.Format("用户{0}强制注销登录,{1}", accountId,kickOutReason)); _userList.Remove(accountId); } EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.UserLoggedOff, accountId); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(string.Format("强制注销用户{0}发生异常", accountId), ex); } } /// /// 返回指定用户的账号信息 /// /// /// public static GetAccountInfoResult GetAccountInfo(string accountId) { try { //LOG.Write(string.Format("获取账号信息{0}", accountId)); accountId = accountId.ToLower(); //账号转小写 GetAccountInfoResult ret = new GetAccountInfoResult(); if (!FileSigner.IsValid(_accountPath)) //检查账号文件的数字签名 { ret.Description = "账号文件数字签名校验失败"; ret.ActSuccess = false; } else { XmlElement userNode = GetAccountNode(accountId); if (userNode == null) { if (accountId == "admin") //如果没有admin账号,则创建默认的admin账号 { Account adminAccount = new Account() { Role = "Admin", Permission = GetSingleRolePermission("Admin"), AccountId = "admin", RealName = "admin", Email = "", Telephone = "86-21-88886666", Touxian = "Admin", Company = "MY Tech", Department = "IT", Description = "Administrator,拥有用户权限修改、菜单修改,定序器修改等权限。", AccountStatus = true, Md5Pwd = Md5Helper.GetMd5Hash("admin") }; CreateAccount(adminAccount); ret.ActSuccess = true; ret.AccountInfo = adminAccount; ret.Description = string.Format("成功获取账号信息{0}", accountId); } else { ret.Description = string.Format("账号{0}不存在", accountId); ret.ActSuccess = false; } } else { ret.AccountInfo = new Account { Role = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Role").InnerText, Permission = GetSingleRolePermission(accountId == "admin" ? "Admin" : userNode.SelectSingleNode("Role").InnerText), AccountId = accountId, RealName = userNode.SelectSingleNode("RealName").InnerText, Email = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Email").InnerText, Telephone = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Telephone").InnerText, Touxian = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Touxian").InnerText, Company = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Company").InnerText, Department = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Department").InnerText, Description = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Description").InnerText, AccountStatus = (0 == String.Compare(userNode.SelectSingleNode("AccountState").InnerText, "Enable", true)), AccountCreationTime = userNode.SelectSingleNode("CreationTime").InnerText, LastAccountUpdateTime = userNode.SelectSingleNode("LastUpdateTime").InnerText, LastLoginTime = userNode.SelectSingleNode("LastLoginTime").InnerText, Md5Pwd = userNode.SelectSingleNode("Password").InnerText, }; ret.Description = string.Format("获取账号{0}成功", accountId); ret.ActSuccess = true; } } return ret; } catch { string msg = string.Format("获取账号{0}发生异常", accountId); //LOG.Write(ex, msg); return new GetAccountInfoResult() { ActSuccess = false, Description = msg }; } } /// /// change account password /// /// /// public static ChangePwdResult ChangePassword(string accountId, string newPassword) { try { //LOG.Write(string.Format("修改账号{0}的密码", accountId)); accountId = accountId.ToLower(); ChangePwdResult ret = new ChangePwdResult(); if (!FileSigner.IsValid(_accountPath)) //检查账号文件的数字签名 { ret.Description = "修改密码失败,账号文件数字签名损坏!"; ret.ActSucc = false; } else { XmlElement userNode = GetAccountNode(accountId); if (userNode == null) { ret.Description = string.Format("账号{0}不存在", accountId); ret.ActSucc = false; } else { userNode.SelectSingleNode("Password").InnerText = Md5Helper.GetMd5Hash(newPassword); Save(_accountXml, _accountPath); ret.Description = "修改密码成功!"; ret.ActSucc = true; EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.PasswordChanged, accountId); } } return ret; } catch (Exception ex) { var msg = string.Format("修改账号{0}的密码失败", accountId); //LOG.Write(ex, msg); LOG.WriteExeption(msg, ex); LOG.Write(eEvent.ERR_UPDATE_USER_ERROR, MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment.ModuleName.System, accountId); return new ChangePwdResult() { ActSucc = false, Description = msg }; } } /// /// create account /// /// /// public static CreateAccountResult CreateAccount(Account newAccount) { try { //LOG.Write(string.Format("创建账号{0}", newAccount.AccountId)); CreateAccountResult ret = new CreateAccountResult(); if (newAccount == null) { ret.Description = "账号有误"; ret.ActSucc = false; } else if (!FileSigner.IsValid(_accountPath)) //account xml file signer verify { ret.Description = string.Format("创建账号失败,数字签名损坏!"); ret.ActSucc = false; } else { if (GetAccountNode(newAccount.AccountId) != null) //account has been existed { ret.Description = string.Format("创建账号失败,账号 {0} 已存在!", newAccount.AccountId); ret.ActSucc = false; } else { XmlElement userNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Account"); userNode.SetAttribute("AccountId", newAccount.AccountId.ToLower()); _accountXml.DocumentElement.AppendChild(userNode); XmlElement subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("RealName"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.RealName; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Role"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.Role.ToString(); userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Password"); subNode.InnerText = Md5Helper.GetMd5Hash(newAccount.AccountId);//default new create account's password same as accountId userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("AccountState");//defualt new create account's state "Enable" subNode.InnerText = newAccount.AccountStatus ? "Enable" : "Disable"; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Email"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.Email; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Telephone"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.Telephone; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Touxian"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.Touxian; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Company"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.Company; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Department"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.Department; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("Description"); subNode.InnerText = newAccount.Description; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("CreationTime"); subNode.InnerText = DateTime.Now.ToString(); userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("LastLoginTime"); subNode.InnerText = string.Empty; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); subNode = _accountXml.CreateElement("LastUpdateTime"); subNode.InnerText = string.Empty; userNode.AppendChild(subNode); Save(_accountXml, _accountPath);//save to xml file ret.Description = string.Format("创建新账号{0}成功", newAccount.AccountId); ret.ActSucc = true; EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.AccountCreated, newAccount.AccountId); } } return ret; } catch { var msg = string.Format("创建账号{0}失败", newAccount.AccountId); //LOG.Write(ex, msg); return new CreateAccountResult() { ActSucc = false, Description = msg }; } } /// /// Administrator user calls this method to delete an account. /// /// /// public static DeleteAccountResult DeleteAccount(string accountId) { try { //LOG.Write(string.Format("删除账号{0}", accountId)); accountId = accountId.ToLower(); DeleteAccountResult ret = new DeleteAccountResult(); if (accountId == "admin") { ret.Description = "Admin\'admin\'账号不能删除"; ret.ActSucc = false; } else if (!FileSigner.IsValid(_accountPath))//account xml file signer verify { ret.Description = "删除账号失败,账号文件数字签名损坏!"; ret.ActSucc = false; } else { XmlElement accountNode = GetAccountNode(accountId); if (accountNode == null)//account has been existed { ret.Description = string.Format("删除账号 {0} 失败,账号不存在!", accountId); ret.ActSucc = false; } else { _accountXml.DocumentElement.RemoveChild(accountNode);//remove account node Save(_accountXml, _accountPath);//save to xml file ret.Description = string.Format("删除账号 {0} 成功!", accountId); ret.ActSucc = true; EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.AccountDeleted, accountId); } } return ret; } catch (Exception ex) { var msg = string.Format("删除账号{0}发生异常", accountId); LOG.Write(eEvent.ERR_DELETE_USER_ERROR, MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment.ModuleName.System, accountId); LOG.WriteExeption(msg, ex); return new DeleteAccountResult() { ActSucc = false, Description = msg }; } } /// /// Update account information /// /// /// public static UpdateAccountResult UpdateAccount(Account account) { try { UpdateAccountResult ret = new UpdateAccountResult(); if (account == null) { ret.Description = "账号有误"; ret.ActSucc = false; } else if (!FileSigner.IsValid(_accountPath)) //account xml file signer verify { ret.Description = string.Format("更新账号资料失败,账号文件数字签名损坏!"); ret.ActSucc = false; } else { XmlElement userNode = GetAccountNode(account.AccountId.ToLower()); if (userNode == null) { ret.Description = string.Format("更新账号 {0} 失败,账号不存在!", account.AccountId); ret.ActSucc = false; } else { userNode.SelectSingleNode("RealName").InnerText = account.RealName; userNode.SelectSingleNode("Role").InnerText = account.AccountId.ToLower() == "admin" ? "Admin" : account.Role.ToString(); userNode.SelectSingleNode("AccountState").InnerText = account.AccountStatus ? "Enable" : "Disable"; userNode.SelectSingleNode("Email").InnerText = account.Email; userNode.SelectSingleNode("Telephone").InnerText = account.Telephone; userNode.SelectSingleNode("Touxian").InnerText = account.Touxian; userNode.SelectSingleNode("Company").InnerText = account.Company; userNode.SelectSingleNode("Department").InnerText = account.Department; userNode.SelectSingleNode("Description").InnerText = account.Description; userNode.SelectSingleNode("CreationTime").InnerText = account.AccountCreationTime; userNode.SelectSingleNode("LastLoginTime").InnerText = account.LastLoginTime; userNode.SelectSingleNode("LastUpdateTime").InnerText = account.LastAccountUpdateTime; Save(_accountXml, _accountPath);//save to xml file ret.Description = string.Format("成功更新 {0} 的账号资料!", account.AccountId); ret.ActSucc = true; EV.PostMessage(Module, EventEnum.AccountChanged, account.AccountId); } } return ret; } catch { var msg = string.Format("更新账号{0}资料发生异常", account.AccountId); //LOG.Write(ex, msg); LOG.Write(eEvent.ERR_UPDATE_USER_ERROR, MECF.Framework.Common.Equipment.ModuleName.System, account.AccountId); return new UpdateAccountResult() { ActSucc = false, Description = msg }; } } public static GetAccountListResult Accounts { get; private set; } /// /// get account list /// /// public static GetAccountListResult GetAccountList() { try { //LOG.Write("获取所有的账号信息列表"); GetAccountListResult ret = new GetAccountListResult(); if (!FileSigner.IsValid(_accountPath)) //account xml file signer verify { ret.Description = "获取账号列表失败,账号文件数字签名文件损坏!"; ret.ActSuccess = false; ret.AccountList = null; } else { XmlNodeList userNodeList = _accountXml.SelectNodes("AccountManagement/Account"); List accountList = new List(); foreach (XmlNode userNode in userNodeList) { accountList.Add(GetAccountInfo(userNode.Attributes["AccountId"].Value).AccountInfo); } ret.AccountList = accountList; ret.Description = "成功获取账号列表!"; ret.ActSuccess = true; } Accounts = ret; return ret; } catch { var msg = "获取账号列表发生异常"; //LOG.Write(ex, msg); return new GetAccountListResult() { AccountList = null, ActSuccess = false, Description = msg }; } } /// /// 定期检查账号是否Active /// 如果当前账号已被Promaxy注销,那么Promaxy将发送KickOut事件给该客户端 /// 如果当前账号连续超过1min没有消息响应,那么Promaxy将该用户自动退出 /// /// public static void CheckAlive(string accountId) { try { if (_userList.ContainsKey(accountId)) { _userList[accountId] = new Tuple(_userList[accountId].Item1, DateTime.Now, _userList[accountId].Item3); } else { //当前用户已被注销,发送客户端注销通知 EV.PostKickoutMessage( string.Format("账号{0}已在服务器上注销", accountId)); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); } } /// /// get specified account xml node /// /// /// private static XmlElement GetAccountNode(string accountId) { XmlNode ndl = _accountXml.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("/AccountManagement/Account[@AccountId='{0}']", accountId.ToLower())); return (XmlElement)ndl; } #region view permission /// /// 获取系统注册的所有视图列表 /// /// public static SerializableDictionary GetAllViewList() { var viewList = new SerializableDictionary(); try { var xml = new XmlDocument(); var xmlPath = Path.Combine(PathManager.GetAccountFilePath() , "Views.xml"); xml.Load(xmlPath); var nodes = xml.SelectNodes("/root/Views/View"); if (nodes != null) { foreach (XmlElement node in nodes) { viewList.Add(node.Attributes["Name"].Value, node.Attributes["Description"].Value); } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); viewList = new SerializableDictionary(); } return viewList; } /// /// Save group definition /// /// /// public static bool SaveAllRolesPermission(Dictionary> data) { try { var rolesNode = _roleXml.SelectSingleNode("/Aitex/Roles") as XmlElement; rolesNode.RemoveAll(); foreach (var item in data) { if (item.Key == "Admin") continue; var newRoleNode = _roleXml.CreateElement("Role"); newRoleNode.SetAttribute("Name", item.Key); rolesNode.AppendChild(newRoleNode); foreach (var view in data[item.Key].Keys) { var newViewNode = _roleXml.CreateElement("View"); newRoleNode.AppendChild(newViewNode); newViewNode.SetAttribute("Name", view); newViewNode.SetAttribute("Permission", data[item.Key][view].ToString()); } } _roleXml.Save(_rolePath); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); return false; } return true; } /// /// 获取当前系统定义的分组 /// /// public static IEnumerable GetAllRoles() { List roles = new List(); try { var nodes = _roleXml.SelectNodes("/Aitex/Roles/Role"); foreach (XmlElement node in nodes) { roles.Add(node.Attributes["Name"].Value); } //如果没有管理员组,默认添加管理员组 if (!roles.Contains("Admin")) { roles.Add("Admin"); } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); roles = new List(); } return roles; } /// /// 获取指定用户角色的权限设定 /// /// 指定用户的角色名 /// public static SerializableDictionary GetSingleRolePermission(string roleName) { var rolePermission = new SerializableDictionary(); try { var viewDic = GetAllViewList(); if (roleName == "Admin") { foreach (var view in viewDic) { rolePermission.Add(view.Key, ViewPermission.FullyControl); } } else { /* RoleName, ViewName, ViewPermission */ var nodes = _roleXml.SelectSingleNode(string.Format("/Aitex/Roles/Role[@Name='{0}']", roleName)); if (nodes != null) { foreach (XmlElement viewNode in nodes) { var viewName = viewNode.Attributes["Name"].Value; var permission = viewNode.Attributes["Permission"].Value; if (viewDic.ContainsKey(viewName)) { rolePermission.Add(viewName, (ViewPermission)Enum.Parse(typeof(ViewPermission), permission, true)); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); rolePermission = new SerializableDictionary(); } return rolePermission; } /// /// 获取所有用户角色的权限设定 /// /// public static SerializableDictionary> GetAllRolesPermission() { try { var rolePermission = new SerializableDictionary>(); foreach (var role in GetAllRoles()) rolePermission.Add(role, GetSingleRolePermission(role)); return rolePermission; } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.WriteExeption(ex); return new SerializableDictionary>(); } } #endregion } }